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#1 1/18/2015 Talking to Animals; what's the point? (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) We reflect on the winter buffalo hunt ceremonies of the Northern Plains and the ways in which humans communicated with animals, negotiating with them to cooperate in being hunted. This leads us to modern day attempts to communicate with animals, including studies from Northern Arizona University that decode the meaning of prairie dog chirps and efforts to talk to the great apes. We ask what is the point? What do learn?2 2 Comment Count
#2 10/10/2014 Bringing Magic Back to a Muggle World (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) We need to bring magic back into our modern, materialistic world. While ultimately magic will have a scientific description, it will probably take place at the quantum level, which few of us can understand. Therefore, we are left to marvel at the way energy moves matter, at how our participation in each others electrical fields of our hearts creates coherence and even health and well-being. We are left to wonder and awe.1 1 Comment Count
#3 3/11/2013 Day 3 of Australia 2013: Indigenous Energy Medicine (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) On day 3 of our cross-cultural journey in Australia we are at a camp where we are sharing Native North American concepts of energy medicine, particularly Cherokee bodywork/osteopathy and energy medicine and psychology (aka "doctoring"). We discover again how similar these concepts and practices are to those of indigenous Australia and New Zealand and how all people heal through touching the body and its energy.1 1 Comment Count
#4 3/9/2013 Day 1 of Australia 2013: The Autobiographical Narrative (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) Each year we make a cross-cultural tour to Australia, though one of our Coyote colleagues comes twice a year to make an impact on incorporating culture in health care for aboriginal people. This year we began with a lecture in a writing conference on the topic of the autobiography in which I describe my experience of writing Coyote Medicine. I finish with a description of what has been accomplished in five years of coming.1 1 Comment Count
#5 10/2/2011 Excerpt from Coyote Wisdom Chapter 10 (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) This excerpt tells the story of my work with Tiffany, a young woman with cancer who was from the Christian faith and how we used Meister Eckhart as a way to bridge my Native American philosophies with Christianity to create a healing dialogue throughout the course of her cancer. this seems like an important story to me because it shows how we can create healing (meaning and purpose) even when the patient dies.
#6 7/5/2011 Thoughts after Sundance 2011 (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) I reflect upon Sundance 2011 and what I have learned. I realize that Sundance is about love and compassion and following this red road that leads to these directions. Sundance gives us an opportunity to rise to become spiritual warriors, to find all the benefits and none of the detriments of battle, to create a community of fellow warriors within which we can feel strong, and to transcend our natural limits to become more.1 1 Comment Count
#7 3/15/2011 More Indigenous Similarities Despite Differences -- Day 6 of the Australian Journey (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) This is Day 6 of the Australian cross-cultural mental health exchange journey. Today we all experienced a form of healing used in the Northern Territories called "burning". They correct usage appears to be, "I burned her and she got well." One doesn't actually get burned, but palm bark is ceremonially placed in the area of an injury or sickness after having been made warm in a fire, accompanied by touch therapy and prayer.1 1 Comment Count
#8 3/13/2011 Rescue: When is it Unethical? (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) An under explored ethical area is that of what Michael Ortiz Hill, in his marvelous new book, The Craft of Compassion, has called professional narcissism. This is when we need our clients to get well for our own needs. Of course, we want to think that we are effective and can help people, but the more we think this way and the less we think of dialogical resolution where each contributes to the outcome, the more harm we do.1 1 Comment Count
#9 3/11/2011 Suicide and Mental Health: Australia Journey Day 2 (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) Lewis and Coyote Institute are on Day 2 of an Australian journey which is a cross-cultural exchange about ideas for mind and mental health. Today we focused upon suicide which elders told us was rare in Australia prior to European contact, but now, all to common. We focused upon suicide as a modern non-indigenous template for the communication of suffering which sometimes backfires leading to accidental death.1 1 Comment Count
#10 9/19/2010 Explanatory Plurarlism (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) I ask the question, what if all knowledge existed in the form of stories and all stories were true? If we practiced in this manner, as advocated by Uncle Albert, an aboriginal elder, how would we act? The notion of explanatory pleuralism argues that explanatory stories on any particular level do not have to relate to any other level of explanation; rather they must correspond to the level of which they are explaining.
#11 9/1/2010 Cancer and Coyote Magic in Woodstock (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) I reflect upon the stories people create to explain their cancer and how some of these stories can be used to make them suffer even further. I wrote about Sarah, a woman with lung cancer who attended a workshop I co-led with my friend, Peter Blum. Sarah suffered enormously from believing that if she did everything "right", she would get well and her cancer would go away. It wasn't. Therefore, she was bad. What do we do?4 4 Comment Count
#12 8/1/2010 Walking with Dementia (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) Unexpectedly I find myself visiting a friend for the weekend who is helping his mother place his father into a long-term care facility. My friend's father has vascular dementia, the result of a series of strokes, each one of which rendering him progressively less capable. Nevertheless, we have a marvelous walk in which he demonstrates the unassailable curiousity of human beings for describing the motivations of others.1 1 Comment Count
#13 7/26/2010 Why can't the sundance feeling last all year long? (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) I reflect on my experience of coming out of sundance, which is always a powerful, personally transformative experience for me and those others with whom I dance. Because of its deep embodiedness, sundance is simultaneously mental, physical, spiritual and communal. This and the prayers brought to sundance and the examples provided by the dancers of transcending our physical limits, explains in part the amazing healings seen.1 1 Comment Count
#14 7/8/2010 One Road, Many Branches (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) This article builds upon my past two weeks of talking about Indian identity. It is written on the sundance grounds as I prepare for purification and for this season's sundance. I talk about the way that the drug and alcohol treatment movement brought ceremony and ritual into the lives of both Indians and non-Indians. People discovered the power of the Red Road. Ethnic boundaries disappeared in the welcome for all people.
#15 6/10/2010 The Self-Transforming Brain; Excerpt from Buddha's Brain; The practical neuroscience of happiness, love and wisdom (Rob Kall) What flows through your mind sculpts your brain. Thus, you can use your mind to change your brain for the better--which will benefit your whole being, and every other person whose life you touch. This book aims to show you how. You'll learn what the brain is doing when the mind is happy, loving, and wise.
#16 6/10/2010 The Philosophy of Mind-Body-Spirit Medicine (Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan) Mind-body-spirit medicine allows the unknown to be tackled by the body's built-in mechanisms. Thus the therapeutic potential of mind-body-spirit medicine is unlimited, while the purely biomedical approach confines itself to limits set by the logical mind.1 1 Comment Count
#17 6/3/2010 Modern Day Shamanism (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) Summary: The word "shamanism" has become very popular. But what does it mean and why do traditional North American deplore this word. Traditional healers are accountable to their communities. Others in the anonymous society must face regulation and must prove that they are more beneficial than harmful. The word shaman is no doubt here to stay, but there is an advantage to resisting it in that it brings to attention the di
#18 5/23/2010 The Man Who Revolutionizes Psychoanalytical Therapy - interview with Luca Bosurgi (Luca Bosurgi DHyp, LCCH, MBSCH) Luca Bosurgi, a defining voice in the emerging field of mind-spirit therapy, transforms psychoanalysis to spritual evolution. He has developed an original mind coaching technique: The CognitiveOS Hypnosis. For the first time he has agreed to talk about the power of the CognitiveOS Hypnosis and why it's the next step in psychoanalytical therapy. - By Nadien Aurel
#19 5/10/2010 Coyote Healing Excerpt from Chapter 4, The Medicine Wheel (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) This is an excerpt from my book, Coyote Healing: Miracles from Native America. It's about the medicine wheel.
#20 5/7/2010 What is a traditional healer? (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) I address the question of what is a traditional healer and define a category of hybrid healers -- people who have studied with traditional healers but are also steeped in the modern culture. Those of us who are hydrid healers can "never go home again". We can't go back and claim to be traditional healers because we have been influenced by too many other stories?
#21 4/9/2010 Neurofeedback, Growth, and Habit (Lincoln Stoller) I describe a holistic approach to changing addictive behaviors based on neurofeedback with elements common to the therapies of indigenous cultures. The transformative journey does not have to be terrifying, though it will be disturbing, confusing, and probably dangerous. Perhaps, in the end, it's not even a choice.1 1 Comment Count
#22 2/12/2010 The Miracle of Peacefulness (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) Unfortunately, miracles cannot be guaranteed or produced on demand. What is more certain is our ability to cultivate a sense of peacefulness and meaning even in the face of illness. This is miraculous in itself given today's world and medical culture. So many people sit namelessly, faceless and alone on nursing home floors, passing the time before death.
#23 12/21/2009 P A R A P O W E R for the Holidays (Celeste DeBease, PhD) Parapower stands for the amazing power that accompanies the deliberate activation of the parasympathetic nervous system. To understand it, I'll provide you with the basics of the human nervous system. Then, I'm going to suggest something fairly radical; that the only way to become more spiritual is through activation of this system.
#24 11/26/2009 The Gift of Receiving--A Pre-Season Guide To Staying Stress Free (Judith Acosta) Every year at around this time, the advertising starts to remind us that the holidays are closing in. For some, that is a delight. To others, it is a cause for panic.
#25 10/20/2009 The Sacred Art of Alchemy (Paul Levy) The Sacred Art of Alchemy
#26 10/13/2009 Paradigm Assessment Schemata (Ben Dench) A holistic model is proposed for assessing different worldviews on how accurate and effective they are.

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