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For Tag "Teaching"
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#1 4/26/2014 The Price of ADHD Business (Frank J. Granett The Price of ADHD Business focuses on the outdated assessment and treatment process in children for behavioral conditions during the past 40 years. The new business model involves ruling out underlying nutritional, physiological and environmental risk factors prior to premature drug therapy. The symptoms of ADHD are real and can be uncovered as described in Over Medicating Our Youth and The American Epidemic.
#2 4/26/2014 Discovering Intention and Teaching to Learn: Sharing a Story (Tsara Shelton) I often wonder who I would have become if I never had children. It is through them and my desire to be who I would ask them to be that I have truly insisted on getting to know and like myself. In this story I remember a moment when, challenged by a stranger, I was gifted with an opportunity to discover my own belief. And in this moment I became a better mom, friend, and citizen.2 2 Comment Count
#3 3/26/2012 Problem Based Learning (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) Problem-based learning has become the norm for much of medical education, yet other disciplines are slower to adopt it. I muse about how to integrate PBL (as if is called) into the on-line psychology teaching environment and consider student objections. This essay was prompted by the comments of two students who were strongly opposed to PBL and gave me the opportunity to reflect upon its strengths and weaknesses.
#4 12/4/2011 Reflections on Teaching Statistics Again (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) I have the role of being the statistics teacher for a graduate psychology program in which students don't like statistics. I discover my hidden assumptions about students which may be relevant to life and to psychotherapy also. I reflect upon our attitudes toward math in North America and how different that is from Asian cultures. I reflect upon some students' resistance to problem-based learning and what that means.
#5 7/5/2011 Thoughts after Sundance 2011 (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) I reflect upon Sundance 2011 and what I have learned. I realize that Sundance is about love and compassion and following this red road that leads to these directions. Sundance gives us an opportunity to rise to become spiritual warriors, to find all the benefits and none of the detriments of battle, to create a community of fellow warriors within which we can feel strong, and to transcend our natural limits to become more.1 1 Comment Count
#6 2/10/2011 The Larger Stories of Education (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) Art and play are important in psychology and psychology education. I use the opportunity of attending the National Council of Schools of Professional Psychology annual meeting to speculate about the future of psychology education and to ponder the effects of for-profit institutions on education. I suggest that for-profit education can only be mediocre because real education aspires to creativity and for-profit standardizes.1 1 Comment Count
#7 9/19/2010 Motherly Love (Magili Quinn) Reflection of a new mother1 1 Comment Count
#8 6/10/2010 The Philosophy of Mind-Body-Spirit Medicine (Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan) Mind-body-spirit medicine allows the unknown to be tackled by the body's built-in mechanisms. Thus the therapeutic potential of mind-body-spirit medicine is unlimited, while the purely biomedical approach confines itself to limits set by the logical mind.1 1 Comment Count
#9 3/4/2010 Neurofeedback, Dyslexia, and Learning Disabilities (Dr. Clare Albright) Is neurofeedback training helpful for dyslexia and learning disabilities?

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