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#1 3/9/2010 Obituary; Anna Wise, Neurofeedback Pioneer (Rob Kall) Anna Wise, a leading neurofeedback trainer, who used the Awakened mind approach and mind-mirror technology for her work passed away March 5, 2010. She'd been teaching a course at her beloved Esalen, developed Pneumonia and the illness took her shortly after.
#2 3/9/2010 Sequential Awakened Mind (Anna Wise) We owe the original discovery of the awakened mind brain wave pattern to the brilliant British psychobiologist and biophysicist C. Maxwell Cade 30 years ago in the early 1970s. Cade measured the brain wave patterns of many healers, spiritual teachers and advanced meditators as well as 300 of his own students. He found a pattern that he identified as a step beyond meditation that exhibits the "lucid awareness" of meditation..
#3 2/23/2010 Tuning In On The Twilight Zone (Tom Budzynski) FOR A BRIEF TIME as we lie in bed at night, neither fully awake nor yet asleep, we pass through a twilight mental zone that Arthur Koestler has described as a state of reverie. Many people associate this drowsy stage with hallucinatory images, more fleeting and disjointed than dreams, and compare it to the viewing of a speeded-up, jerky series of photographic slides. A host of artists and scientists have credited the...
#4 2/10/2010 Electroencephalography and Sport; Review and Future Directions (Vietta Sue Wilson) The purpose of this paper is to briefly review the psychological traits and states that are believed necessary for performance in competitive sport. This information may help guide areas of brain research that could have a large practical impact upon enhancing performance. The paper will then focus on reviewing studies which used electroencephalography (EEG) to assess brain processing in athletes.
#5 2/3/2010 Alpha-Theta Neurotherapy As a Multi-Level Matrix of Intervention (Nancy White) Alpha-Theta Neurotherapy, has been found in clinical practice, as in the original work of Elmer and Alyce Green and further developed by Eugene Peniston and described in his original research, to reduce or eliminate alcoholic craving while simultaneously addressing mental, emotional, physical and, at times, spiritual dimensions of alcoholism and surrounding issues.
#6 2/3/2010 Part 2; Alpha-Theta Neurotherapy As a Multi-Level Matrix of Intervention (Nancy White) part 2 of Nancy White's chapter
#7 1/19/2010 Neurofeedback / EEG Biofeedback Procedures; Basic Descriptions (Patricia Norris) neurofeedback and related procedures used to deal with ADD, Closed Head Injury, Addictions, or for alertness, focus
#8 1/7/2010 Musing, Speculations on Delta Frequencies in the EEG (Geoff Blundell) Developer/engineer of the Mind Mirror speculates on low frequency EEG
#9 11/17/2009 Thalamic Involvement in the Generation of the Alpha Rhythms (Jay Gunkelman) Alpha" it's not a simple idling rhythm" let's look at alpha generators: The thalamic involvement in the generation of the alpha rhythm is being under-valued when looking at the LORETA images of alpha current source generators.
#10 10/31/2009 EEG Neurotheraphy In The Treatment Of Alcoholism And Addictions: Brief Overview (Dale Patterson) The Peniston Neurofeedback Protocol is an intervention tested and proven effective with veterans and PTSD at the VA hospital system. This article details the elements of it.
#11 10/12/2009 A Relaxation/Activation model for EEG Alpha (Tom Collura) EEG Alpha training is put in the context of the entire brain, and its normal level of cycling. This can help to motivate neurofeedback training, and connectivity training in particular.
#12 10/5/2009 SubType Analysis of Learning Disabilities by QEEG patterns (Kirtley Thornton) SubType Analysis of LD by QEEG patterns

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