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Helen Gibbons: The 6 Hour Solution to Work stress Helen Gibbons, Chief Psychologist and pioneer of Autogenic Training in Australia,discusses the benefits of Autogenic Training in combating work stress, particularly in the Mining and other high risk industries. Developed by German Neuroscientist Dr Schultz, AT is backed by over 3,000 clinical studies worldwide and is used by NASA astronauts to help them adapt to the physical and psycholocial stressors of space travel. 1 1 Comment Count
Dr. Clare Albright: Get in the Zone with Neurofeedback Peak Performance can be enhanced with neurofeedback
Dr. Clare Albright: How Neurofeedback Therapy Can Help Athletes Reach Peak Performance Levels Can neurofeedback help athletes to reach peak performance levels?
Rob Kall: Template Feedback of Athletic Force and Movement Patterns Over 30 years ago, I developed a concept of using transducers and sensors to convert athletic force and movement patterns into electrical activity that could be used for biofeedback. Things have come a long way since then.

Kirtley Thornton: A Cost/Benefit Analysis of Different Intervention Models for LD/Special Ed. Students Since the decade of the brain was declared in 1990, there have been impressive advances in the area of neurodiagnostic instrumentation measuring the physical functioning of the brain and providing a deeper understanding of the functioning of the brain.

Rob Kall: Living in The Vein of Gold and Falling out. We all have veins of gold-- fantastic riches-- in our lives, every one of us. "Although men are accused of not knowing their own weakness, yet perhaps a few know their own strength. It is in men as in soils, where sometimes there is a vein of gold which the owner knows not of." Jonathan Swift

Rob Kall: Quotations By Thoreau on Finding the Best Within Ourselves and Living It When it comes to peak performance and finding the best in one's self, Thoreau was an unmitigated genius. Here is a large collection of quotations. For example, from his journal, "We live but a fraction of our life." 1 1 Comment Count

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