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For Tag "Mental Training"
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Helen Gibbons: The 6 Hour Solution to Work stress Helen Gibbons, Chief Psychologist and pioneer of Autogenic Training in Australia,discusses the benefits of Autogenic Training in combating work stress, particularly in the Mining and other high risk industries. Developed by German Neuroscientist Dr Schultz, AT is backed by over 3,000 clinical studies worldwide and is used by NASA astronauts to help them adapt to the physical and psycholocial stressors of space travel. 1 1 Comment Count
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Tsara Shelton: The Brain Broad Builds A Brain: New Podcast Sheds Light On Mental Health Lynette Louise aka The Brain Broad (aka my mom) has a brand new podcast. Inviting a different guest with a history of brain knowledge for every episode, together they'll explore a mental disorder chosen at random. With creativity, brain science, and out of the box thinking they discuss what might be done to help that brain using all the tools in their toolbox.

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