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Hyla Cass: Natural Solutions To Sleep Deprivation I'm seeing increasing numbers of patients with sleep problems, ranging from difficulty in falling asleep, to being unable to sleep soundly through the night. Rather than waking up in the morning restored and rejuvenated, they are dragging themselves out of bed, facing another day feeling drained and exhausted.
Dr. Kathleen Albertson, L. Ac., PhD: Amenorrhea: What does not having a menstrual cycle mean? Amenorrhea means "no menstrual flow" (absence of menstruation). In Chinese medicine, it refers to "no moon." Today it is more important than ever to understand TCM (Traditional Chinese medicine which includes acupuncture and herbal medicine) as well as Western medicine. Today's reality integrates these two schools of thought to improve patient care. TCM gets to the root cause naturally with out the harsh affects of drugs.
Kathie Albertson: How does Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine Treat the Swine Flu: 3 Reasons to consider how it can! Swine flu is a strong virus. Traditional Chinese Medicine( which includes acupuncture and Chinese herbs fights virus!! Read how it helps!
Kathie Albertson: Why Acupuncture is being Recommended for Infertility Acupuncture is now being recommened by Western medicine to improve fertility and pregnacy rates. Why?! It works!
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Gerri George: Benefits of Chocolate Chocolate, once the food of royalty, benefits blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol 3 3 Comment Count

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