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For Tag "Aspergers"
(Top > Health > Illness: Aspergers)

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#1 1/18/2015 Because my Mom was Autistic our Answer was Autism (Tsara Shelton) Most lives have recurring themes. Baseball, cancer, music, science, sexual abuse etc. Most families can point to things they have experienced and learned from over and over. It doesn't have to be something that happens all the time, but something that continually teaches or challenges. Our family has had a few themes, the loudest being autism. In this article I share a few of the life lessons autism challenged us to learn.1 1 Comment Count
#2 4/27/2010 Athletes with ADHD & Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (Michael Linden) # An estimated 8-10% (possibly up to 20%) professional athletes have ADHD (compared to four to eight percent of the general population of adults). # Athletes with ADHD perform better in individualized or fast sports. # Many athletes with Asperger's are undiagnosed and excel at technical positions
#3 3/26/2010 AAPB's Annual meeting Opens in San Diego (Rob Kall) report on the first day of the 2010 AAPB meeting.
#4 12/18/2009 U.S. Autism Prevalence Rises to 1 in 110 (Carin Yavorcik) CDC Report Highlights Increased Prevalence, Continued Delay in Identification as Critical Public Health Crisis affecting American Families
#5 10/19/2009 Neurofeedback - Our Story (Nelle Frances) A story highlighting our family's great success with Neurofeedback - it gave us our son back.

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