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For Tag "Information"
(Top > Health > Mind Body Spirit > Models Theories: Information)

Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Why do we need Stories? Making up story is what are brains do best. In fact, the default mode of the brain is to idly invent what if and if only stories to so that we can run simulations of our social world. We are designed to fill in gaps in our perception. We must reject much environmental information in order to maintain a stable world map.
Kathie Albertson: Chinese Herbal Medicine Effective for IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) Digestive problems--IBS, Chrohn's, constipation, diarrhea, bloating treated successfully with TCM(Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine)

Tom Collura: Connection, Inhibition and Path-Specific Relaxation Training The brain is a hyperconnected system, containing on the order of 10 billion neurons, each of which can have hundreds or thousands of connections to other neurons. The brain depends on dynamically managing trillions of connections, to regulate the interactions between all of its parts. How are all of these connections managed toward useful ends? The key lies in the ability to network to selectively enable or disable conn...
Tom Collura: INFORMATION, ENTROPY, AND FREEDOM OF CHOICE The concept of information and entropy is key to understanding how we are able to have the ability to make choices. A brain-oriented view of this leads to helpful insights regarding neurofeedback and its potential for human development.
Tom Collura: A Relaxation/Activation model for EEG Alpha EEG Alpha training is put in the context of the entire brain, and its normal level of cycling. This can help to motivate neurofeedback training, and connectivity training in particular.

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