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#1 7/8/2010 Omega Institute's Elizabeth Lesser on "Broken Open" and Personal Transformation, Part Two (Joan Brunwasser) People don't think twice about having someone fix their computer or car, or they don't question going to the doctor when they feel bad, or to the gym when they want a trainer to help them get strong or lose weight. But when it comes to psychological or spiritual help, there's a general squeamishness. There's a cultural bias against paying someone to help us figure out things like relationships, purpose, feelings, grief.
#2 7/1/2010 Omega Institute's Elizabeth Lesser on "Broken Open" and Personal Transformation (Joan Brunwasser) The hardest aspect of memoir is that it involves writing about not only oneself, but also about the people in one's life. My children, my parents, my husband, my ex-husband, my friends: none of them asked to be characters in my book. I am sure I caused discomfort for some of the folks in my life. But I did it for a reason that I still feel clear and good about.

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