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For Tag "Gratitude"
(Top > Society-Culture > Character And Values: Gratitude)

Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Sweat Lodge, Prayer, and Community Prayer and community have been stripped away from contemporary health care. Both are sorely needed. I talk about the sweat lodge ceremony as being a laboratory for exposing mainstream healthcare practitioners to the perspective on health and the world of Native American people and show how it produces the kind of connectedness and sense of belonging that we desperately need and which is associated with greater health.
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Narrativizing is the first step at becoming indigenous friendly -- Day 8 On Day 8, we asked how do we transform health care to become more indigenous friendly, whether it's mental health care of general medical care. The answer that jumped out was to implement narrative practice. Indigenous cultures are virtually uniformly cultures of story in which stories matter greatly. Being heard means having the opportunity to tell one's stories. "Treatment" begins by hearing and acknowledging stories. 1 1 Comment Count
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Why can't the sundance feeling last all year long? I reflect on my experience of coming out of sundance, which is always a powerful, personally transformative experience for me and those others with whom I dance. Because of its deep embodiedness, sundance is simultaneously mental, physical, spiritual and communal. This and the prayers brought to sundance and the examples provided by the dancers of transcending our physical limits, explains in part the amazing healings seen. 1 1 Comment Count
Allen L Roland: P.T.S.D Is Really Post Traumatic Heart Dysfunction It is obvious that the symptoms of PTSD are very similar to the symptoms of people being seemingly separated from love whereas deep psychic pain as well as feelings of guilt and unworthiness override the ability to give and receive love: Allen L Roland
Pam Oltman: Tapping the Power of Gratitude I can't remember exactly what the simple incident was (something like someone picking up something I dropped), but in that moment I recognized, truly recognized, that someone did something for me...just because they were being kind. I said "thank you", but somehow that moment made a larger impact on me than what my words were able to express. Soon I was making cards saying, "I know it may seem like a small thing that you...

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