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For Tag "Psychoneuroimmunology"
(Top > Health > Mind Body Spirit > Models Theories: Psychoneuroimmunology)

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#1 4/20/2012 Improving the Quality of Health Care from Within (Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan) Faith is essential for healing to take place regardless of the kind of treatment that is actually given. Where there is faith, the feeling is positive and this helps the body's built-in mechanisms of healing. The quality of health care would eventually depend on how well the various aspects of health care are synchronized to supplement and support the central nature of faith and the hidden reality of mind-body-spirit medicine.
#2 9/1/2010 Health Care Needs a Fundamentally New Approach (Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan) Health of man is considered to have the components of physical, mental and social well-being. The state of spiritual health of an individual being intangible is left out. This has perforce reduced the consideration of man as a sum of parts, whose malfunction lead to a diseased state. Recent advances in psychology and psychoneuroimmunology now suggest that spiritual health needs to be rightfully included in Health Care matters.
#3 11/24/2009 Self-Regulation for Immune System Disorders; part 2 (Patricia Norris) part two of Psychoneuroimmunology article. Beyond the amelioration or healing of an immune system disorder, biofeedback-assisted psychophysiologic therapy provides the experiential knowledge of self-regulation, self-mastery, and voluntary control, and an improved and empowered self image. This has far-reaching consequences, for the image that we hold of ourselves influences everything that we are and everything we do.
#4 11/24/2009 Self-Regulation for Immune System Disorders (Patricia Norris) Beyond the amelioration or healing of an immune system disorder, biofeedback-assisted psychophysiologic therapy provides the experiential knowledge of self-regulation, self-mastery, and voluntary control, and an improved and empowered self image. This has far-reaching consequences, for the image that we hold of ourselves influences everything that we are and everything we do.

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