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For Tag "Fear"
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#1 10/10/2014 Waking from the Trance of Unworthiness (Catherine Al-Meten) Article about using meditation as a way to deal with unworthiness and self hatred.
#2 2/26/2012 Day 3 of the Australian Journey 2012 (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) This is Day 3 of the Australian Journey. It's also the second day of the Hearing Voices International Conference in Melbourne in which aboriginal elders and their wisdom for managing voices (and giving the voices full ontological status as potential beings) were showcased. I write about some of the techniques I demonstrated in my workshop for managing voices including guided imagery, dialogue, and theatre.
#3 3/21/2011 Clingy Children: Signals for Verbal First Aid (Judith Acosta) Our ability to deal with fear as children is the foundation for the way we deal with fear as adults--both for ourselves and with our kids. Most of us were not raised with these ideas and some of them may feel awkward or even seem unnecessary, especially if we ourselves were dismissed when we were afraid or hurt.
#4 7/12/2010 The First and Second Dart (Rick Hanson PH.D.) To borrow an expression from the Buddha, inescapable physical or mental discomfort is the "first dart" of existence. As long as you live and love, some of those darts will come your way. First darts are unpleasant to be sure. But then we add our reactions to them. These reactions are "second darts"--the ones we throw ourselves. Most of our suffering comes from second darts.
#5 7/8/2010 Trauma, Health and Neurofeedback (Vidya Bolz) summary of Dr. Robert Scaer's excellent video on his work on trauma and how it is stored in neural networks1 1 Comment Count

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