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For Tag "Brain"
(Top > Science-Nature > Psychology: Brain)

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#1 10/5/2010 New York Times: Neurofeedback Gains Popularity and Lab Attention The NY Times reports that EEG Biofeedback is gaining greater acceptance, applied to ADD/ADHD, autism, increasing attention, focusing the aging brain...
#2 4/5/2010 Moral judgments can be altered: Neuroscientists influence people's moral judgments by disrupting specific brain region Previous studies have shown that a brain region known as the right temporo-parietal junction (TPJ) is highly active when we think about other people's intentions, thoughts and beliefs. In the new study, the researchers disrupted activity in the right TPJ by inducing a current in the brain using a magnetic field applied to the scalp. They found that the subjects' ability to make moral judgments that require an understanding
#3 3/11/2010 Music and lyrics: How the brain splits songs Are music and lyrics processed by different parts of the brain? Subjects listened to either same tune, with different lyrics or same lyrics, different tune. fMRI determined that:– the superior temporal sulcus (STS) – was responding to the songs. In the middle of the STS, the lyrics and tune were being processed as a single signal. But in the anterior STS, only the lyrics seemed to be processed.
#4 12/9/2008 Brains of poor and rich kids vary dramatic difference in the response of the prefrontal cortex in those from low socioeconomic environments that was similar, the researchers said, to the response of people who have had a portion of their frontal lobe destroyed by a stroke.

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