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100s of EEG Brain Games Exploding Onto Market Behind much of the technology is San Jose-based NeuroSky Inc., which first made a splash in 2009 when toy maker Uncle Milton Inc. used its headset for the Star Wars Force Trainer toy that let youngsters suspend a ball inside a tube. As the child concentrated, a fan would spin and blow the ping-pong ball upward. Now, about 1,700 software developers are working with NeuroSky's technology, the majority of them making mind-cont...
Brain music: Turn on, tune in, feel better To make brain music, a doctor records the electrical activity in a person's brain with EEG equipment. An EEG, in essence, represents the brain's main musical score, and its rhythm and tempo deviate from this depending on a person's waking state, mood and other factors. A complex computer algorithm then translates the recorded EEG patterns into a music CD with two tracks: one for relaxation and one for stimulation
'My Second Birth - 'Discovering Life in Vegetative Patients For over 20 years, doctors thought Rom Houben was brain dead. But then, neurologist Steven Laureys discovered that the Belgian was very much awake. Experts say that up to 40 percent of those thought to be in a persistent vegetative state are, in fact, quite conscious.
Textbook of Neurofeedback, EEG Biofeedback, qEEG and Brain Self Regulation e-book by Rob Kall and Joe Kamiya with 26 chapters
Brain Waves Surge Moments Before Death, May Explain Near Death EXperiences study of seven terminally ill patients found identical surges in brain activity moments before death, providing what may be physiological evidence of "out of body" experiences reported by people who survive near-death ordeals. ...doctors theorize that the brain surges may be tied to widely reported near-death experiences which typically involve spiritual or religious attributes.
Brains of poor and rich kids vary dramatic difference in the response of the prefrontal cortex in those from low socioeconomic environments that was similar, the researchers said, to the response of people who have had a portion of their frontal lobe destroyed by a stroke.

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