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For Tag "Adhd"
(Top > Health > Illness: Adhd)

Study: Link Between Cell Phone Radiation and ADHD-like Behavior Researchers from the Yale School of Medicine found that exposing pregnant mice to radiation from a cell phone affected the behavior of their offspring later. They found that the mice exposed to radiation as fetuses were more hyperactive, had more anxiety and poorer memory -- symptoms associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) -- than mice who were not exposed to radiation. Neurological tests revealed th...
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A Top Best-seller: Foundations of Neurofeedback DVD Course Start learning EEG biofeedback at home. See the different approaches from 15 different leading trainers, then decide whose approach you like the best. Train your staff at no extra cost.
Divorce rates higher when child has ADHD esearchers found that couples with a child with ADHD were almost twice as likely to divorce before their child turned 8 years old. After that age, however, divorce rates were similar in both groups of parents.

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