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For Tag "Health ADHD- ADD"
(Top > Health > Mind Body Spirit: Health ADHD- ADD)

# Date Link
#1 10/3/2010 Robert Whitaker author Anatomy of An Epidemic; How Psychiatry Failed and Betrayed America, killing 1000s, Disabling Millions (Rob Kall) The history of modern psychiatry is a horror story. Long term studies of psychiatric drugs show they not only don't work, they destroy lives or even shorten them by decades. This is based on data and facts
#2 9/12/2010 Rae Tattenbaum; Enabling Optimal Performance in Kids, Performers... and spiritual approaches and integration (Rob Kall) we cover a lot of ground-- ADD ADHD kids, optimal performance for performers... spiritual approaches and integration
#3 6/27/2010 Lynda Thompson; ADD, Autistic Spectrum, Asperger Syndrome (Rob Kall) discussion of neurofeedback and biofeedback for ADD, ADHD, Aspergers, Autism, autistic spectrum disorders
#4 2/16/2010 Peter Breggin (Rob Kall) Peter Breggin Interview Peter Breggin, M.D., has written 20 books, been on 20-20, 60 minutes.Psychiatry and Pharmaceutical companies teamed up to claim that every ..... had biological basis and drug...Worked with ending lobotomy... most were done on women. medication spellbinding;; when somebody's brain is .... one of first things to be impaired is judgment as to the effect on the intrusion. All the drugs the impair the a

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