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For Tag "Psychiatry"
(Top > Govt-Politics > Policy: Psychiatry)

Rob Kall: Robert Whitaker-- Drugging Kids to Disability and Death / Ideology of America On Drugs Politics and Economics of the Failed Psychiatric Drugging of America, and how millions of kids are being put at huge risk of becoming "bipolar" and mentally disabled for life. 1 1 Comment Count
Rob Kall: Peter Breggin Peter Breggin Interview Peter Breggin, M.D., has written 20 books, been on 20-20, 60 minutes.Psychiatry and Pharmaceutical companies teamed up to claim that every ..... had biological basis and drug...Worked with ending lobotomy... most were done on women. medication spellbinding;; when somebody's brain is .... one of first things to be impaired is judgment as to the effect on the intrusion. All the drugs the impair the a

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