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Rob Kall: Sig Othmer; Low Frequency neurofeedback We discuss Sig's early history in the field and then the new work with ultra low frequency neurofeedback.

Rob Kall: Rae Tattenbaum; Enabling Optimal Performance in Kids, Performers... and spiritual approaches and integration we cover a lot of ground-- ADD ADHD kids, optimal performance for performers... spiritual approaches and integration
Rob Kall: Tom Collura visions of the future of Neurofeedback, Z-Scores, qEEG and a bit of history Past President, ISNR, founder,

Rob Kall: Robert Thatcher Advances in Understanding the Brain, Z-Score Neurofeedback, Why EEG is More Important than ever in a wide ranging interview, Dr. Bob Thatcher shares some early neurofeedback and qEEG history, some visions of the future and summarizes some of the insights billions in brain research have yielded.

Rob Kall: Sebern Fisher; Attachment Disorder, Developmental Trauma and Neurofeedback a fascinating in depth discussion about attachment disorder
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Rob Kall: Michael Linden, ADHD, Autism and Aspergers In Sports, School, Brainmapping to Detect Autism, and Neurofeedback Treatment the title says most. A solid, in depth interview with a published researcher who's breaking new ground documenting autism markers and its treatment

Rob Kall: Lewis Mehl-Madrona, MD Story and Native American Healing Lewis is a physician, Native American Healer and an expert on the use of story in healting. He also works with Neurofeedback.
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Rob Kall: Hershel Toomim on Brain Blood Flow, HEG Hemoencephalography Neurofeedback Hershel, at 93, shares background on HEG and close to 50 years of experience working with biofeedback.
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Rob Kall: Valdeane Brown on Non Linear Dynamical Healing Val says... "...if you trust the intrinsic wisdom of your body, just like you learned to walk.... the wisdom is in there. You don't have to fix stuff, you simply have to interrupt the process in which they are created and the wisdom of the system will take care of things. "

Rob Kall: An interview with Joe Kamiya Inventor of Neurofeedback Joe Kamiya, THE inventor of neurofeedback, talking about his original work at University Chicago-- that's right Neurofeedback started at the University of Chicago. And Joe, who did that first work in 1958, also talks about his visions of the future of the field. Joe and I also co-edited the free, online book Textbook of Neurofeedback, EEG Biofeedback, qEEG and Brain Self Regulation  other recording

Rob Kall: Interview with Joel Lubar-- ADHD, LORETA, Z-Scores, History Dr. Joel LubarSome notes taken during the interview: early experiments in 1973, 1974 with Sterman's protocol suggested it would help MBD conrolled double blind study 75, 76 Wrote book, Behavioral approaches to neurology 1981 Woman's day magazine published in 1991 was a breakthrough article boy in clinic did really well and mother was a freelancer. Article got such widespread distribution got 6500 inquiries from around

Rob Kall: Patricia Norris; Neurofeedback with Substance Abusers, Reaching Alpha with Thermal Biofeedback Doctor Patricia Norris is an associate professor at Holos University, past president of the Boifeedback Society of America, Past president of ISSEEM-- International Society for the Study of Energy and Energy Medicine, and one of the biofeedback pioneers of the Menninger foundation's Voluntary Controls project. She talked about transpersonal psychology, with and without biofeedback, treatment of substance abuse with neuro
Rob Kall: Futurehealth Ames Schneider Gunkelman MTBI The first Rob Kall Futurehealth Radio show, with Gary Ames, Carol Schneider and Jay Gunkelman discuss LENS, Neurocare, Minimal Traumatic Brain Injury, qEEG, working with the military, new ways to describe neurofeedback to get paid for doing it, helping wake coma victims. The first few minutes are not from my radio show. Eventually, I'll get up to speed on editing MP3s. Sorry. It's about 4 minutes of unrelated material.

Rob Kall: Paul Swingle; Brain Stim for Autism, Coma, PTSD; Tying Acupuncture to Neuro/Biofeedback  Paul was a professor at University of Otawa and a lecturer at Harvard before he moved to Vancouver, BC, Canada, where he has one of the most successful neurofeedback practices anywhere.We explored a range of topics. Brain Dryver is non-volitional. stim for Autism, ADHD, With PTSD, Alpha is blocked. Use brain dryver to release emotionsCauses more dreams, release of old memories. can deal with coma, severe autism.can combin

Rob Kall: Gary Schummer; Working with ADD ADHD with Neurofeedback, with the system Neuropsychologist specializing in Neurofeedback, Brain Mapping, / qEEG, particularly with ADHD attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity. Working with ADHD, parents, teachers, system. Assessment approaches 2 2 Comment Count

Rob Kall: Tom Budzynski, biofeedback pioneer, neurofeedback pioneer, inventor, rocket scientist at area 51 His history and role in inventing surface EMG muscle biofeedback. Using an understanding of the brain, particularly right vs. left brain for affirmations and imagery for THE SECRET. left hemisphere is newer, more top-down native american kids move more after 3rd grade. When you try to impose a left brain culture study of CEOs most were ADHD-- intuitive, reacting fast, like hunters. mentions Joe Kamiya related to the
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Rob Kall: Karl Pribram, M.D. on a new scientific revolution, amygdala, holographic brain, triune brain, Breaking new ground, EEG and Z scores. Karl Pribram Interview Distinguished Research Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience Program, Georgetown, Universitylink to Dr. Pribram's wikipedia pageThere's a real revolution going on in science. Copernicus, Newton, Darwin, Freud-- their ideas took us away from the center of the universe. The Information revolution is now putting us back at the center. -Holographic brain-Triune Brain-- why he disagrees with

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