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For Tag "Stimulation"
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# Date Link
#1 2/16/2010 Futurehealth Ames Schneider Gunkelman MTBI (Rob Kall) The first Rob Kall Futurehealth Radio show, with Gary Ames, Carol Schneider and Jay Gunkelman discuss LENS, Neurocare, Minimal Traumatic Brain Injury, qEEG, working with the military, new ways to describe neurofeedback to get paid for doing it, helping wake coma victims. The first few minutes are not from my radio show. Eventually, I'll get up to speed on editing MP3s. Sorry. It's about 4 minutes of unrelated material.
#2 2/16/2010 Paul Swingle; Brain Stim for Autism, Coma, PTSD; Tying Acupuncture to Neuro/Biofeedback (Rob Kall)  Paul was a professor at University of Otawa and a lecturer at Harvard before he moved to Vancouver, BC, Canada, where he has one of the most successful neurofeedback practices anywhere.We explored a range of topics. Brain Dryver is non-volitional. stim for Autism, ADHD, With PTSD, Alpha is blocked. Use brain dryver to release emotionsCauses more dreams, release of old memories. can deal with coma, severe autism.can combin

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