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For Tag "Adhd"
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Rob Kall: Robert Whitaker author Anatomy of An Epidemic; How Psychiatry Failed and Betrayed America, killing 1000s, Disabling Millions The history of modern psychiatry is a horror story. Long term studies of psychiatric drugs show they not only don't work, they destroy lives or even shorten them by decades. This is based on data and facts

Rob Kall: Rae Tattenbaum; Enabling Optimal Performance in Kids, Performers... and spiritual approaches and integration we cover a lot of ground-- ADD ADHD kids, optimal performance for performers... spiritual approaches and integration

Rob Kall: Robert Thatcher Advances in Understanding the Brain, Z-Score Neurofeedback, Why EEG is More Important than ever in a wide ranging interview, Dr. Bob Thatcher shares some early neurofeedback and qEEG history, some visions of the future and summarizes some of the insights billions in brain research have yielded.

Rob Kall: Lynda Thompson; ADD, Autistic Spectrum, Asperger Syndrome discussion of neurofeedback and biofeedback for ADD, ADHD, Aspergers, Autism, autistic spectrum disorders
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Rob Kall: Michael Linden, ADHD, Autism and Aspergers In Sports, School, Brainmapping to Detect Autism, and Neurofeedback Treatment the title says most. A solid, in depth interview with a published researcher who's breaking new ground documenting autism markers and its treatment
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Rob Kall: Hershel Toomim on Brain Blood Flow, HEG Hemoencephalography Neurofeedback Hershel, at 93, shares background on HEG and close to 50 years of experience working with biofeedback.

Rob Kall: Earl Miller top down Bottom Up brain processes Earl Miller is the Picower professor of Neuroscience at MIT. His paper, “An Integrative Theory of Prefrontal Cortex Function”, has been designated a Current Classic as among the most cited papers in Neuroscience and Behavior. He use fMRI and implanted microelectrodes in humans and monkeys. We talked about top down and bottom up brain functions and how they apply to brain dysfunction and optimal fuctioning.

Rob Kall: Les Fehmi & Susan Shor Fehmi; Open Focus, Attention, Brain Synchrony, Couples EEG Training a wide ranging interview with Les and Susan, covering much of their work, Les's book, their approach to healing, their ideas about attention, about neurofeedback, about qEEG.

Rob Kall: Interview with Joel Lubar-- ADHD, LORETA, Z-Scores, History Dr. Joel LubarSome notes taken during the interview: early experiments in 1973, 1974 with Sterman's protocol suggested it would help MBD conrolled double blind study 75, 76 Wrote book, Behavioral approaches to neurology 1981 Woman's day magazine published in 1991 was a breakthrough article boy in clinic did really well and mother was a freelancer. Article got such widespread distribution got 6500 inquiries from around

Rob Kall: Paul Swingle; Brain Stim for Autism, Coma, PTSD; Tying Acupuncture to Neuro/Biofeedback  Paul was a professor at University of Otawa and a lecturer at Harvard before he moved to Vancouver, BC, Canada, where he has one of the most successful neurofeedback practices anywhere.We explored a range of topics. Brain Dryver is non-volitional. stim for Autism, ADHD, With PTSD, Alpha is blocked. Use brain dryver to release emotionsCauses more dreams, release of old memories. can deal with coma, severe autism.can combin

Rob Kall: Gary Schummer; Working with ADD ADHD with Neurofeedback, with the system Neuropsychologist specializing in Neurofeedback, Brain Mapping, / qEEG, particularly with ADHD attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity. Working with ADHD, parents, teachers, system. Assessment approaches 2 2 Comment Count

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