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For Tag "Autism"
(Top > Health > Illness: Autism)

# Date Link
#1 6/27/2010 Lynda Thompson; ADD, Autistic Spectrum, Asperger Syndrome (Rob Kall) discussion of neurofeedback and biofeedback for ADD, ADHD, Aspergers, Autism, autistic spectrum disorders
#2 5/2/2010 Michael Linden, ADHD, Autism and Aspergers In Sports, School, Brainmapping to Detect Autism, and Neurofeedback Treatment (Rob Kall) the title says most. A solid, in depth interview with a published researcher who's breaking new ground documenting autism markers and its treatment
#3 4/4/2010 Lewis Mehl-Madrona, MD Story and Native American Healing (Rob Kall) Lewis is a physician, Native American Healer and an expert on the use of story in healting. He also works with Neurofeedback.
#4 3/20/2010 Hershel Toomim on Brain Blood Flow, HEG Hemoencephalography Neurofeedback (Rob Kall) Hershel, at 93, shares background on HEG and close to 50 years of experience working with biofeedback.
#5 2/28/2010 Earl Miller top down Bottom Up brain processes (Rob Kall) Earl Miller is the Picower professor of Neuroscience at MIT. His paper, “An Integrative Theory of Prefrontal Cortex Function”, has been designated a Current Classic as among the most cited papers in Neuroscience and Behavior. He use fMRI and implanted microelectrodes in humans and monkeys. We talked about top down and bottom up brain functions and how they apply to brain dysfunction and optimal fuctioning.
#6 2/16/2010 Paul Swingle; Brain Stim for Autism, Coma, PTSD; Tying Acupuncture to Neuro/Biofeedback (Rob Kall)  Paul was a professor at University of Otawa and a lecturer at Harvard before he moved to Vancouver, BC, Canada, where he has one of the most successful neurofeedback practices anywhere.We explored a range of topics. Brain Dryver is non-volitional. stim for Autism, ADHD, With PTSD, Alpha is blocked. Use brain dryver to release emotionsCauses more dreams, release of old memories. can deal with coma, severe autism.can combin

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