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For Tag "Neurofeedback"
(Top > Products: Neurofeedback)

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Rob Kall: Sig Othmer; Low Frequency neurofeedback We discuss Sig's early history in the field and then the new work with ultra low frequency neurofeedback.

Rob Kall: Rae Tattenbaum; Enabling Optimal Performance in Kids, Performers... and spiritual approaches and integration we cover a lot of ground-- ADD ADHD kids, optimal performance for performers... spiritual approaches and integration
Rob Kall: Tom Collura visions of the future of Neurofeedback, Z-Scores, qEEG and a bit of history Past President, ISNR, founder,

Rob Kall: Robert Thatcher Advances in Understanding the Brain, Z-Score Neurofeedback, Why EEG is More Important than ever in a wide ranging interview, Dr. Bob Thatcher shares some early neurofeedback and qEEG history, some visions of the future and summarizes some of the insights billions in brain research have yielded.

Rob Kall: Lynda Thompson; ADD, Autistic Spectrum, Asperger Syndrome discussion of neurofeedback and biofeedback for ADD, ADHD, Aspergers, Autism, autistic spectrum disorders

Rob Kall: Stephen Sideroff, Ph.D. Neurofeedback and Reslience, Addiction, Sports Psychology, Chronic Pain and more Neurofeedback, addiction, resilience, Pain, Sports Psychology and more discussed.

Rob Kall: Sebern Fisher; Attachment Disorder, Developmental Trauma and Neurofeedback a fascinating in depth discussion about attachment disorder
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Rob Kall: Michael Linden, ADHD, Autism and Aspergers In Sports, School, Brainmapping to Detect Autism, and Neurofeedback Treatment the title says most. A solid, in depth interview with a published researcher who's breaking new ground documenting autism markers and its treatment
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Rob Kall: Valdeane Brown on Non Linear Dynamical Healing Val says... "...if you trust the intrinsic wisdom of your body, just like you learned to walk.... the wisdom is in there. You don't have to fix stuff, you simply have to interrupt the process in which they are created and the wisdom of the system will take care of things. "

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