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For Tag "Brain"
(Top > Science-Nature > Bio-medical Sciences: Brain)

# Date Link
#1 11/2/2005 Aboriginal Models for Integration of Brain, Mind, Spirit, and Body (Lewis Mehl-Madrona)
#2 6/6/2008 Big Pharma and Non-Drug Health Interventions (Rob Kall)
#3 12/9/2005 Brain, Mind, and Neurofeedback - The Next 10, 20 years, and Beyond, (- Panel)
#4 11/29/2006 Brain, Mind, and Neurofeedback ? The Next 100 Years (- Panel)
#5 11/3/2008 Clinical Tools for Evaluating Brain Function (Kathleen Power)
#6 11/29/2006 Neurophysics - a unified approach to brain and mind (Thomas Collura)
#7 11/3/2008 QEEG and Neurofeedback Treatment of Depression (Robert Gurnee)
#8 11/3/2008 The Brain Ringing its own Bell: A model for Intellectual Functioning (Marvin Sams)

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