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For Tag "Asymmetry Training"
(Top > Health > Mind Body Spirit > Bio Neuro feedback > Neurofeedback: Asymmetry Training)

Barbara Fisher: Attachment Disorder: Using qEEG Directed Neurofeedback and Other Tools for Taming the Prefrontal Cortex Futurehealth WinterBrain Plenary presentation by Barbara Fisher and Janice Thurber
Tom Collura: Coherence, Synchrony, and the Rest: Putting it all together with 2-channel training Futurehealth Workshop by Tom Collura 2-channel training is used for bihemispheric (both sides of the brain) training, coherence/synchrony training, and asymmetry training. This workshop will explain the concepts of 2-channel EEG training and include practical demonstration.
Jay Gunkelman: The qEEG of Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) Futurehealth WinterBrain 20 minute plenary presentation by Jay Gunkelman.

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