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For Tag "Dreams"
(Top > Health > Mind Body Spirit > Techniques: Dreams)

Craig Webb: Dream Applications in Medicine Futurehealth StoryCon 20 minute presentation by Craig Webb.
Craig Webb: Precognitive Dreams and the Everyday Physics of Free Will Futurehealth StoryCon 20 minute presentation by Craig Webb. Have you ever dreamt of events that later come to pass in waking life? If so, you are in good company along with 2/3 of the general population. Can such information be harvested for beneficial and practical use? The new hit TV show "Medium" shows one application -- helping to solve crimes, but there are many others. For many people, such dreams bring fear or guilt, since most of us have no training about how to handle such experiences. Others are skeptical that such premonitions are even possible or more than just random chance. This presentation will explore the science, experience and applications of such dreams and visions.
Craig Webb: Working with Dreams as Powerful Biofeedback for Life Webb, Craig. Futurehealth Workshop

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