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For Tag "Temporal Lobe Epilepsy"
(Top > Health > Illness: Temporal Lobe Epilepsy)

# Date Link
#1 6/20/2008 Assessment & Protocols for NF Intervention (Joel Lubar) Futurehealth WinterBrain 4 hour workshop presentation by Joel Lubar.
#2 9/12/2006 Exploring the In-Between: QEEG/LORETA Findings of "Other Dimensional Awareness" (John DeLuca) Futurehealth Plenary Talk by John DeLuca Anomalous experiences, such as spirit communication and perception of other dimensions, have been reported in individuals with complex partial seizures and temporal lobe epilepsy, closed head injury, or other traumatic emotional experiences. The QEEG and LORETA findings of a near 50-year old man with the above symptoms and a history of temporal lobe epilepsy are presented. The latter are compared to previous SPECT and MRI data as well relevant findings in the literature.

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