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For Tag "Non-linear"
(Top > Health > Mind Body Spirit > Models Theories: Non-linear)

Thomas Brod: Mysteries of NF Success: What's Happening When "Nothing's Happening"? Futurehealth Workshop by Thomas Brod and William Scott In this two-hour workshop, T. Brod and Wm Scott will review non-linear dynamic theory and its successful application in NeuroCare Pro and the new BrainPaint application of Bill Scott. We will consider the relationship of neurofeedback to subjectivity in cases of patient recovery. Is the process de-humanized when the computer is the Analyst and the patient's "brain? is being trained? Emphasis in the workshop will be on enhancing therapist effectiveness when it appears on the surface that "nothing is happening."
Thom Hartmann: NLP Writing Tools for Success Futurehealth WinterBrain 2 hours workshop presentation by Thom Hartmann.
Thomas Brod: Non-Linear Dynamic Neurofeedback: Wrangling Information For the Brain-Computer Interchange Futurehealth Plenary Talk by Thomas Brod We will consider cases of dramatic recovery with NeuroCare Pro and BrainPaint biofeedback to illustrate the general phenomenon of patient recovery when it appears on the surface that "nothing is happening." To go deeper, we will look at the "scientific" creation-myth of brain and self-regulation training.
Richard Soutar: Quantifying Chaos; new non-linear ways of imaging EEG Scott, William, and Richard Soutar. Futurehealth Plenary

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