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For Tag "Resonant Frequency Heart Waves"
(Top > Health > Mind Body Spirit > Bio Neuro feedback: Resonant Frequency Heart Waves)

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#1 11/27/2005 HEART and BREATH, an Integration of Research and Techniques (Bob Whitehouse) Futurehealth Workshop by Bob Whitehouse Optimal Heart Rate patterns and efficient breathing are gateways to better brain function. This seminar will be be my integration of the works of Lehrer, Gevirtz, HeartMath, Cram, and Litchfield with a special emphasis on live monitoring and techniques for attaining 4 keys to health and optimal performance: healthy heart rate variability,Resonant Frequency heart waves, and mechanically and chemically efficient breathing. Surprising information will give new understandings of the emotional signatures in heart rate, the role of the heart in intuition, and what most of us have been doing wrong in teaching breathing.

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