That's great news, obviously for futurehealth, but also for you, if you are in the field of biofeedback or neurofeedback.
Here are some reasons why.

This should dramatically increase the number of full articles on different aspects of biofeedback and neurofeedback that actually get into the news stream.
There has been, for many years, very little coverage of biofeedback or neurofeedback in the news media. How do I know. I was publicity chair for AAPB for several years and for at least the past seven years I have used google alerts. They perform a similar function that news clipping services used to do.
Anyone can set up google alerts. Just go to and select the key words of your choice. I have google alerts for my websites, my name and for key words I am interested in. I've been tracking biofeedback and neurofeedback for at least seven, maybe as many as ten years. And what I've found is that the vast majority of mentions of biofeedback are not real articles about it, but rather, mentions that it will be included in services at a new clinic or by a new practitioner.
There's a huge need for real articles on biofeedback and neurofeedback. You might argue that AAPB and ISNR publish articles, but those are aimed at the choir, are often in less search-engine-crawlable PDF format or are strictly published on dead trees, not online at all. There are hundreds of articles that should be viewable by the rest of the world and they are, sadly, not accessible.
Having as a site seriously dedicated to biofeedback and neurofeedback could be a real game changer.
It could make a difference for YOU specifically. If YOU post an article to, you'll know it is reaching a wide audience, that it has been almost instantly indexed by google and that all the key words you've included in it will be picked up in searches. That last tidbit is important. If you do work with vascular headaches or milder neurobehavioral disorders, you'll want to include words like Migraine, aspergers, etc. in the article. There's an art to optimizing your writing for the web and that optimization is enhanced when your writing is published by sites which have optimized the way they are found on the web.
Bottom line, now is a better time than ever for YOU to submit your articles to We're looking for articles from professionals and laymen. One of our most popular articles is by the mother of a biofeedback patient,;a href="">Neurofeedback - Our Story</a> so we're very interested in experiences, even questions from beneficiaries and consumers of biofeedback services.
You don't have to be one of the big names in biofeedback. Some of today's biggest names and leaders in the field started at my winter brain conferences in Key West or Palm Springs, giving their first talks from their experience as clinicians and practitioners.
If you've had some interesting experience, or you have a nice way of explaining a concept, an article is a great way to serve the biofeedback/ neurofeedback community and to promote your work and your visibility.
The media has changed, becoming far more bottom up. That means everyone can become a part of the media and reach readers around the world. It astounds me sometimes, how articles written one, two, three, even five years before become among the most popular 50 content items on the site, among 100,000 plus, on my other site, That's already happening on
Bottom line, content you post doesn't disappear. It stays up and is available to be found on searchers for years.
Hopefully this good news may be a factor in a new turning point for the bio/neurofeedback field. It's an opportunity. I hope you will help make it happen.