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James Bonnet Cracking the Story Code Cracking the Story Code (SKU: AH-P-289)
Futurehealth WinterBrain 20 minute presentation by James Bonnet In this talk, James Bonnet will introduce you to a new phenomenon called the Storywheel. All great stories, ancient or modern, have a place on this wheel, and when taken all together in this way, they reveal their deeper, more amazing secrets, not the least of which is our evolutionary path, the state of the world, and the archetypes, patterns of action and cycles of transformation which run through every individual and every group, and are being played out in all of life's important stages. If you understand these patterns, you can understand the world, your place in the scheme, and the paths which can lead you to higher states of consciousness and success.
Archetypes, Storywheel, Transformation
Lewis Mehl-Madrona Stories and Transformation Stories and Transformation (SKU: AG-P-030)
Futurehealth Plenary Talk Lewis Mehl-Medrona No guidelines, algorithms, or principles exist for sudden, dramatic transformations in the lives of individuals, communities, or cultures. We may be able to predict when transformation is about to occur, but its directions are outside of our grasp. In this presentation, we will consider stories as a source of wisdom for how to transform. Aboriginal culture is replete with stories of spiritual and other transformations, the repetition of which, installs in the listener an intuitive sense for how to proceed and the belief that sudden transformation, even against all odds, is possible.
Story, Systems, Transformation
Pamela Jaye Smith Creating Our Next Mythologies Creating Our Next Mythologies (SKU: AG-P-229)
Futurehealth StoryCon 20 minute presentation by Pamela Jaye Smith. Visionary story-tellers can both reflect and help shape the zeitgeist of an era. This talk presents Seven Thematic Approaches to insightful stories, plus a new look at Character Transformation, all from the Ageless Wisdom of our most powerful and timeless myths. Many mythic systems envision the ideal pattern for the evolution of people, cultures, and the species as a progression from Tribal Consciousness to Individual Consciousness to Group Consciousness. We will explore in depth aspects and manifestations of each level, methods of growth and transformation, and ways to express same in language both verbal and visual.
Consciousness, Media, Mythology, Story, Story Consulting, Story Mythology Archetypes, Story Writing, StoryTelling, Transformation
Richard Soutar An EEG Based Inventory For Neurofeedback Professionals An EEG Based Inventory For Neurofeedback Professionals (SKU: AG-W2-024)
Futurehealth WinterBrain Workshop by Richard Soutar. The Interactive Self Inventory is designed to be used by neurofeedback practitioners to assess clients in a variety of dimensions of social interaction. Using this Inventory they can assist clients in taking steps to change that are consistent with their qEEG patterns and their neurofeedback training.
Assessment Inventory, Neurofeedback, Transformation
Richard Soutar Measuring Transformation Measuring Transformation (SKU: AG-P-117)
Futurehealth Plenary Talk by Richard Soutar The Interactive Self Inventory relates dimensions of social behavior to dimensions of EEG distribution. Consequently general patterns of EEG distribution can be predicted based on dimensions of social behavior and vice-versa. In addition these dimensions can be used to identify key areas for transformation toward optimal performance as well as pre and post changes in behavior due to neurofeedback training and optimal performance training. This provides a unique instrument for assessment for neurofeedback providers based on the social domain that is educational in nature and does not require psychological expertise or certification for implimentation.
Inventory, Neurofeedback, Transformation
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