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Tom Collura Neurophysics of optimal and psi performance Neurophysics of optimal and psi performance (SKU: AH-W2-332)
Futurehealth Workshop by Tom Collura Neurophysics is an approach to brain and mind that incorporates concepts of energy, information, and causality. It is applicable to optimal performance and psi phenomena, as well as normal brain function. This workshop will explore specific EEG phenomena that are related to highly optimal functioning and psi phenomena (telepathy, clairvoyance, healing, etc.), as a means to detect and train these qualities using neurofeedback.
Eeg, Optimal Performance, Psi Phenomena
Jay Gunkelman How the Brain works; Designing Neurofeedback Interventions How the Brain works; Designing Neurofeedback Interventions (SKU: AH-W2-352)
Futurehealth WinterBrain 2 hour workshop presentation by Jay Gunkelman. This workshop is designed for intermediate attendees, and is oriented at providing a more in depth understanding of the phenotype approach to designing a NF intervention.
Eeg, Efficacy, Phenotype
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