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Bret Stephenson A Mile Wide and An Inch Deep: Modern Adolescent Discontent & America's Shallow Approach to Teens A Mile Wide and An Inch Deep: Modern Adolescent Discontent & America's Shallow Approach to Teens (SKU: AG-P-060)
Futurehealth WinterBrain Plenary presentation by Bret Stephenson America invented the concept of modern adolescence, and by letting go of tried & true archetypal approaches, created the need for teen 'control': group homes, treatment centers, juvenile halls, medication and incarceration.
Adhd, Adolescent, Archetypal, Drug Abuse-Use, Drug Abuse-Use, Education, Education, Health ADHD- ADD, Society, Teen
Bret Stephenson Why 'Just Say No' Just Hasn't Worked: Teens and  Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness (B) Why 'Just Say No' Just Hasn't Worked: Teens and Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness (B) (SKU: AG-W2-058)
Futurehealth Workshop by Bret Stephenson Most adults misunderstand the archetypal drive for teens to experience altered states of consciousness. Raised in a culture permeated with legal and illegal drugs, teens gravitate to unhealthy risks due to the lack of healthy, ceremonial means to alter consciousness.
Adolescent, Drugs, Teen
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