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Articles    H3'ed 12/1/09

Your Biofeedback Practitioner's Hero's Journey

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Threshold Guardians

* fear, lack of confidence
* family or friend resistance or negativity
* Job stability vs. self employed
* Training time, cost
* Money
* Education criteria
* Certification
* Finding space to see clients
* Finding and Paying for Supervision
* Client Focus decisions (kids? Adults? Addicts?)
* Insurance reimbursement/financial model
* Autonomy
* Marketing


Threshold Crossing (making the commitment and taking action)

* Go for Basic training
* Finding a supervisor
* Actually finding an office and signing a lease
* Buying equipment

Going Under, Entering the Underworld, Under Water (the beginning of being reborn, you enter the symbolic womb)

* Supervision
* Supervision
* Fist clients
* Learning software
* Learning the magic of biofeedback
* Learning protocols
* Business card
* Website
* Networking
* Pricing your Services
* Deciding if you want to specialize and what you want to specialize in

Road of Trials

* Evaluating, adjusting personal habits: Smoking, diet, exercise
* Personal self regulation
* Insurance billing
* Competitorsà ‚¬"biofeedback, other professionals
* Hiring employees
* Negotiating with vendors, billing services, yellow pages
* time management
* record keeping
* practice marketing and promotion
* Continuing education; courses, seminars, meetings
* Meeting new colleagues
* Establishing new referral source relationships

Antagonists and Facing the Dragon of the Ordeal

* software is hard to learn... you delay starting to see clients for six months
* Ignorant power holders (local doctor, minister, school counselor, teacher)
* Insurance adjusters who reject your claims
* Peer reviewers
* Financial challenges
* Getting and keeping clients
* Church of Ritalin, Barkley worshipping opponents
* Fundamentalists who say that mind training is of the devil
* Personal Injuryà ‚¬"selling out vs. offering real help to genuine patients

Ultimate Ordeal-- facing tough challenges

* losing your book-keeper
* your equipment goes down
* your best referral source moves or is lured by another provider who signs a lease with him.
* Tax bill comes.
* Clients don't get better
* Peer reviewer rejects all your claims
* Competing practitioner in related field complains to your licensing board that you are offering scientifically unproven services.

Apotheosis; Attaining transcendence, Divinity, Magic; Merging, balancing of opposites; Embracing the feminine; Making peace with masculinity

* Heart, head, body and spirit become integrated
* Biofeedback Magic; you help clients to heal themselves and you get paid to do it.
* You're paying your bills, making a good living, enjoying your work, the respect you receive in the community and appreciation of your clients
* You are walking your talk, living a life more consistent with your vision, beliefs, psychology and values.


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One theme has run through my work for the past 40 plus years-- a desire to play a role in waking people up, raising their consciousness and empowering them. I was the organizer founder of the Winter Brain, Optimal Functioning and Positive Psychology and StoryCon Meetings and president of Futurehealth, Inc., with interests in (more...)

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