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Frank J. Granett The Price of ADHD Business The Price of ADHD Business focuses on the outdated assessment and treatment process in children for behavioral conditions during the past 40 years. The new business model involves ruling out underlying nutritional, physiological and environmental risk factors prior to premature drug therapy. The symptoms of ADHD are real and can be uncovered as described in Over Medicating Our Youth and The American Epidemic.
Dr. Kathleen Albertson, L. Ac., PhD: Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner Discusses National Health Reform: TCM advocates "health" care--not "sick' c Improved patient care depends on holistic measures that resolve health problems and improve patient care. Today, chronic diseases- heart and liver disease, arthritis, stress, fatigue and anxiety are common place ailments. They should not be. With the Health Reform Act, more people will have health care, and that is a good thing. But who is advocating the "health" in "healthcare?" TCM does! 7 reasons to use it for you and your 1 1 Comment Count

Dr. Kathleen Albertson, L. Ac., PhD: What health treatment system treats multiple symptoms simultaneously? Acupuncture and herbal medicine holds secrets to returning you to your optimum vitality. Do you want to feel dramatically physically and emotionally better? Then Acupuncture and herbal medicine is for you. Here's 4 Reasons Why: 1 1 Comment Count
Hyla Cass: Eating Disorders: The Nutrient Solution As a psychiatrist, I am clearly familiar with the psychodynamic issues underlying eating disorders, and I see psychotherapy as a vital part of treatment. At the same time, I would like to share my experience with observing and treating some of the biochemical underpinnings, hastening recovery and helping to maintain it as well.
Kathie Albertson: A Western and Eastern View of PMS Treatment Western medicine accepts PMS as a "normal" occurrence. Its time to bridge the gap between Western and Eastern medicine in the interest of improving patient care. This article describes how tradtional Chinese medicine addresses premenstrual syndrome.
Kathie Albertson: Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner speaks out on National Health Reform: TCM advocates "health" care--not "sick' Improved patient care depends on holistic measures that resolve health problems and improve patient care. Today, chronic diseases- heart and liver disease, arthritis, stress, fatigue and anxiety are common place ailments. They should not be. With the Health Reform Act, more people will have health care, and that is a good thing. But who is advocating the "health" in "healthcare?" TCM does! 7 reasons to use it for you and your 1 1 Comment Count

Kathie Albertson: What health treatment system treats multiple symptoms simultaneously? Acupuncture and herbal medicine holds secrets to returning you to your optimum vitality. Do you want to feel dramatically physically and emotionally better? Then Acupuncture and herbal medicine is for you. Here's 4 Reasons Why: 1 1 Comment Count
Kathie Albertson: 3 Reasons why leisure time and leisure mind balance your health! Leisure time and leisure mind a must for balanced health. 3 reasons why!
Kathie Albertson: What Drives an Acupuncturist?A good philosophy on Health and People! What drives an acupuncturist? How are patients educated on the effectivenss of health based, holistic care vs disease based care. Trusting Chinese Herbs.
Siegfried Othmer: Our Declining State of Health Last May, Science Magazine featured a review of a recent study of human health going back some 10,000 years. Surprisingly, perhaps, our state of health has been declining generally over the last 3,000 years, coinciding essentially with the broad adoption of agriculture. The trends are not subtle, apparently. Statures have shrunk, and there was an increase in skeletal lesions, tuberculosis, and leprosy.

Rob Kall: Cross training Mind/Brain/Heart/Spirit and Shadow-- an interview with Terry Patten brief summary of and link to a podcast interview with Terry Patten talking about integral life practice, mind tools, neurofeedback and more.

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