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Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Working to Recover, or Adjusting to Illness? Existing research is pessimistic about the value of our currently dominant biomedical paradigm for treating mental illness. Long-term antipsychotic use appears to make people worse rather than better. While the research continues to accumulate, practice does not change. Doctors continue to practice as if psychosis comes from lack of medication. People recover without medications. How do we reconcile these two models? 1 1 Comment Count

Joan Brunwasser: John Robbins on "The New Good Life - Living Better Than Ever In an Age of Less" One of the reasons I wrote my latest book is to provide people with simple, easy and inexpensive suggestions on how to raise their quality of life while lowering their cost of living, and at the same time lowering their ecological footprint. Learning to live with respect for ourselves and the whole earth community is no easy task in a culture that has become as out of balance as ours has.

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