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For Tag "Happiness"
(Top > Society-Culture > Character And Values: Happiness)

Todd Kashdan: The Problem with Happiness Asked what is the fundamental objective of life, the vast majority of people answer quickly and definitively -- happiness. Their lives are organized around trying to be happy. Sounds good, right? Sounds even better when you read about the scientific benefits linked to happiness.
Warren Davies: What is Happiness? How would you define happiness? Is it an emotion? A state of mind? A decision? Is it a reaction to things that happen to us, like pain, or is it something we can create
Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan: Everything is a play of Consciousness When we understand that everything in a day's life is a play of consciousness then we can ourselves play with our consciousness 1 1 Comment Count
Todd Kashdan: A Secret to Happiness? Discovering the Pleasures of Uncertainty Being on a national radio show is often a painful experience. Sometimes you simply lack chemistry with the host (and unlike a party there is no alcohol, and nowhere to hide). They take long, deep breaths directly into the microphone, allowing you intimate knowledge of the saliva in their throat....

Rob Kall: Smile Anatomy: Emotional Self Regulation and Facial Expression Muscle Measurement and Training an overview of the use of smile muscle training, smile biofeedback and a discussion of a number of the facial muscles involved in authentic and inauthentic smiling, plus discussion of smile psychomotor retardation-- people who have a hard time smiling and feeling good feelings 2 2 Comment Count

Rob Kall: Quotations By Thoreau on Finding the Best Within Ourselves and Living It When it comes to peak performance and finding the best in one's self, Thoreau was an unmitigated genius. Here is a large collection of quotations. For example, from his journal, "We live but a fraction of our life." 1 1 Comment Count

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