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For Tag "Meditation"
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#1 1/18/2015 The Power of Thought (Buryl Payne) Power of thought
#2 10/10/2014 Waking from the Trance of Unworthiness (Catherine Al-Meten) Article about using meditation as a way to deal with unworthiness and self hatred.
#3 3/4/2012 Day 13 of the Australian Journey 2012 (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) Today is Day 13 of the Australian Cultural Exchange Journey for 2012. After a quick morning run, we went to Mission Australia's Youth Forum 2012. We met Nancy Ingram, an elder from the area who attended Harvard University and knew about Vermont. I have a talk about the importance of heroism for adolescents and finding ways for them to be heroic or to save face when they feel they have not been heroic.
#4 10/2/2011 Excerpt from Coyote Wisdom Chapter 10 (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) This excerpt tells the story of my work with Tiffany, a young woman with cancer who was from the Christian faith and how we used Meister Eckhart as a way to bridge my Native American philosophies with Christianity to create a healing dialogue throughout the course of her cancer. this seems like an important story to me because it shows how we can create healing (meaning and purpose) even when the patient dies.
#5 9/19/2010 Motherly Love (Magili Quinn) Reflection of a new mother1 1 Comment Count
#6 5/23/2010 The Man Who Revolutionizes Psychoanalytical Therapy - interview with Luca Bosurgi (Luca Bosurgi DHyp, LCCH, MBSCH) Luca Bosurgi, a defining voice in the emerging field of mind-spirit therapy, transforms psychoanalysis to spritual evolution. He has developed an original mind coaching technique: The CognitiveOS Hypnosis. For the first time he has agreed to talk about the power of the CognitiveOS Hypnosis and why it's the next step in psychoanalytical therapy. - By Nadien Aurel
#7 3/29/2010 Integrative Mental Health and Health Care Reform (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) A recent conference in Arizona on Integrative Mental Health highlighted how poorly our current mental health care system is working. The conference was full of passion for changing our system and for incorporating nutrition, exercise, yoga, and psychotherapy into our work to improve effectiveness. More time with people is necessary and health care reform needs to reimburse that time. Indigenous mental health ideas show us...1 1 Comment Count
#8 3/11/2010 Integral Awakened Mind Coachingâ„¢ (Gary Groesbeck) Expanding Anna Wise's Awakened Mind protocol into Ken Wilber's Integral Theory(AQUAL)
#9 12/21/2009 P A R A P O W E R for the Holidays (Celeste DeBease, PhD) Parapower stands for the amazing power that accompanies the deliberate activation of the parasympathetic nervous system. To understand it, I'll provide you with the basics of the human nervous system. Then, I'm going to suggest something fairly radical; that the only way to become more spiritual is through activation of this system.
#10 11/19/2009 Relaxation And Stress (Jon Rhodes) Effects of long term stress are not to be taken lightly. Although they cannot always be seen, the effects of stress can lead to serious physical, as well as mental health problems.
#11 10/29/2009 Review: Open Focus Brain-- a landmark book that explores how we pay attention and how to do it better (Rob Kall) an important, groundbreaking book that promises to become a classic over the decades. More than any other book, it reminds me of Herbert Benson's RELAXATION RESPONSE. Just as Benson took a simple concept-- relaxation-- and created a landmark book on how to do it... simply, Les Fehmi, with co-author Jim Robbins, has laid out an approach to attention that is remarkable in its simplicity and power to change lives.
#12 9/22/2009 Finally Figuring Out What Helps Troops with Posttraumatic Stress (Belleruth Naparsteck) We're finally figuring it out, people. Research from around the country is giving us the keys to helping our traumatized troops coming back from Afghanistan and Iraq. The only problem is, it will be at least a year - maybe two - before these studies are published.

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