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For Tag "Rehabilitation"
(Top > Science-Nature > Psychology: Rehabilitation)

# Date Link
#1 6/30/2010 Neurofeedback in the Treatment of Addiction (Dr. Clare Albright) Is neurofeedback a helpful adjunct to drug and alcohol rehabilitation treatment?
#2 2/15/2010 Treatment Programs -" Do they work? (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) we consider the question of treatment -" does it work? Treatment is a billion dollar industry in America. So many people go for treatment and so many experts purport to tell people how to reform. The question -" does it work? Does treatment actually help anyone?
#3 10/23/2009 Oral Pharyngeal Dysphagia; Application of EMG Biofeedback in the Treatment of Oral Pharyngeal Dysphagia (Maggie Lee Huckabee) EMG biofeedback presents auditory and visual signals to aid the patient in learning and practicing dysphagia intervention exercise. Biofeedback provides several critical elements that are unavailable with standard dysphagia therapy.

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