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Mariella Fischer-Williams, MD, FRCP: The Neurology of Biofeedback; A Neuro-anatomical and Physiological Review People commonly ask the questions : "Why?", "How does a thing work?" and "How can I fix it?". I do not attempt to answer "Why?" because it is a metaphysical question. Much of this article answers the question of "How can I fix it?". I shall mainly describe "How does the brain work?" which I freely acknowledge is an immodest goal. The nervous system is built upon a living network of feedback, constantly adapting
Dr. Clare Albright: How Neurofeedback Therapy Can Help Athletes Reach Peak Performance Levels Can neurofeedback help athletes to reach peak performance levels?

Tom Collura: Connection, Inhibition and Path-Specific Relaxation Training The brain is a hyperconnected system, containing on the order of 10 billion neurons, each of which can have hundreds or thousands of connections to other neurons. The brain depends on dynamically managing trillions of connections, to regulate the interactions between all of its parts. How are all of these connections managed toward useful ends? The key lies in the ability to network to selectively enable or disable conn...
Dr. Clare Albright: Neurofeedback Therapy for PMS and Menopause Can neurofeedback help with the symptoms of PMS and menopause?
Patricia Norris: Neurofeedback / EEG Biofeedback Procedures; Basic Descriptions neurofeedback and related procedures used to deal with ADD, Closed Head Injury, Addictions, or for alertness, focus

Rob Kall: Good "NEWS" For, Biofeedback Neurofeedback and Mind Body Alternative Health and Wellness received notification yesterday that google news has approved our application to be included in their news "system." That's great news, obviously for futurehealth, but also for you, if you are in the field of biofeedback or neurofeedback. Here are some reasons why.

Judith Acosta: Leaving the Wilderness Alive: How to Survive The Worst When All You've Got is You. Mental survival-regardless of where a person is, whether that's in the extremes of battle or a backpacking expedition-is often a matter of recalling or being made aware of the resources one already has--particularly words. What we think, we become. Literally.
Tom Collura: INFORMATION, ENTROPY, AND FREEDOM OF CHOICE The concept of information and entropy is key to understanding how we are able to have the ability to make choices. A brain-oriented view of this leads to helpful insights regarding neurofeedback and its potential for human development.

Patricia Norris: Self-Regulation for Immune System Disorders Beyond the amelioration or healing of an immune system disorder, biofeedback-assisted psychophysiologic therapy provides the experiential knowledge of self-regulation, self-mastery, and voluntary control, and an improved and empowered self image. This has far-reaching consequences, for the image that we hold of ourselves influences everything that we are and everything we do.

Kirtley Thornton: A Cost/Benefit Analysis of Different Intervention Models for LD/Special Ed. Students Since the decade of the brain was declared in 1990, there have been impressive advances in the area of neurodiagnostic instrumentation measuring the physical functioning of the brain and providing a deeper understanding of the functioning of the brain.
Dale Patterson: EEG Neurotheraphy In The Treatment Of Alcoholism And Addictions: Brief Overview The Peniston Neurofeedback Protocol is an intervention tested and proven effective with veterans and PTSD at the VA hospital system. This article details the elements of it.
Gary Ames: *Why I Love Biofeedback There are plenty of reasons to love biofeedback and neurofeedback. Here are my favorite reasons.

Tom Collura: NEUROFEEDBACK - WHAT TO DO (OR NOT DO) Neurofeedback is a process, not a job. When practitioners and trainees approach EEG training as a process of allowing, not doing, results will be forthcoming.
Press Release: 'Top 10 Spa Trends to Watch in 2009' biofeedback, neurofeedback, relaxation, brain gyms, neurobics, mind gyms, brain workouts are all hot.

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