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For Tag "Drug Abuse Alcohol"
(Top > Health > Mind Body Spirit: Drug Abuse Alcohol)

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#1 4/22/2010 Neurofeedback in Treatment of Substance Abuse (Stephen Sideroff) Over the last two decades a new research and clinical approach--neurofeedback--has shown promise in the treatment of substance abuse. This article addresses how it works, what makes it so effective, why it is a potentially important tool in addiction, the neurophysiological issues it might address, the existing promising research and, most importantly, that neurofeedback can be a significant adjunct...
#2 3/4/2010 A Starter Conversation for Problems with Alcohol. (Ash Rehn) When faced with an alcohol problem many people describe themselves as sick, diseased or alcoholic. This article offers an alternative way of thinking about problem drinking by considering the power of alcohol and the opportunity to change the relationship one has with alcohol.
#3 10/31/2009 EEG Neurotheraphy In The Treatment Of Alcoholism And Addictions: Brief Overview (Dale Patterson) The Peniston Neurofeedback Protocol is an intervention tested and proven effective with veterans and PTSD at the VA hospital system. This article details the elements of it.

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