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#1 9/7/2015 The difficulty of practicing narrative medicine (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) I look at the stories that people hold about their lives that sometimes work against them. I tell the story of a driven man whom I warned 25 years earlier that he might drop dead if he didn't take a break, and discover that he did, in his fifties. I discuss the problems we face in medicine, how to help people change their stories that are leading them toward illness. This is one of the hallmarks of narrative medicine.1 1 Comment Count
#2 12/3/2012 Chronic Pain and Opiates (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) I describe my struggle with prescribing opiates for people in chronic pain. My observation has been that my patients on opiates don't seem to be in any less pain than my patients not on opiates, and sometimes they are more grumpy. I explore the literature and learn that prolonged opiate use sensitizes people to feel more pain and that it can also act as a neurotoxin producing neuropathic-like pain, so perhaps not a good idea
#3 4/9/2012 The Debate Over Obamacare (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) I offer my views on health care financing. I suggest that we have reached a point as a society in which we are not willing to let people die in hospital waiting rooms who do not have insurance. We even have laws that require hospitals to care for whoever appears regardless of ability to pay even if we do not have any means to remunerate those hospitals. It's time to wake up to the reality that this kind of reality costs.
#4 3/19/2011 Approaches to Trauma in the Indigenous Community -- Day 10 of the Australian Journey (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) Today is Day 10 of the Australian Cross-Cultural Mental Health Journey. Today we talked about trauma in aboriginal communities and how to address that trauma. We collaboratively arrived at some ideas to propose. We agreed that narrativizing is necessary. We need to hear the stories of woundedness that people have to tell and to celebrate their resistance to abuse and to focus more on the resistance than on being a victim.
#5 3/18/2011 Implementing Narrative Practices: Day 9 in Australia (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) The highlight of Day 9 in our Australian cross-cultural mental health journey was a workshop for indigenous mental health and human service providers on how to make their services more indigenous friendly. This involves, of course, conscious decolonization of our clinical practices. We talked about the need to become more narrative, to listen longer and more deeply to the stories people tell us and to hear stories of others.
#6 2/5/2010 Crosstraining for Body, Mind & Spirit; Integral Life Practice: Interview With Terry Patten (Rob Kall) This is a transcript of my Jan 24th, 2010 interview with Terry Patten, co-author, with Ken Wilber and others, of Integral Life Practice; A 21st Century Blueprint for Physical Health, Emotional Balance, Mental Clarity, and Spiritual Awakening. Terry was, on an earlier leg of his journey, founder of Tools for Exploration.
#7 10/14/2009 Why I Love Biofeedback (Gary Ames) There are plenty of reasons to love biofeedback and neurofeedback. Here are my favorite reasons.
#8 10/6/2009 How to Increase Dream Recall (Craig Webb) Wouldn't you like to remember your dreams more and start really experiencing the powerful benefits your subconscious has to offer you every night? You will learn proven techniques for recalling more dreams, starting within a week or less1 1 Comment Count

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