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For Tag "Attention"
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#1 4/26/2014 The Price of ADHD Business (Frank J. Granett The Price of ADHD Business focuses on the outdated assessment and treatment process in children for behavioral conditions during the past 40 years. The new business model involves ruling out underlying nutritional, physiological and environmental risk factors prior to premature drug therapy. The symptoms of ADHD are real and can be uncovered as described in Over Medicating Our Youth and The American Epidemic.
#2 2/26/2012 Day 2 of the Australian Journey 2012 (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) Day 2 of the Australian Journey for 2012 finds me in Melbourne at the International Hearing Voices conference, attended by aboriginal and non-aboriginal people alike. I present the highlights of the conference including aspects of my keynote address. The conference is unique in that it is organized hy voice hearers and not professionals who treat voice hearers. It is also unique in being upbeat, positive, and full of hope.
#3 8/15/2010 The Use of Audio-Visual Entrainment for the Treatment of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (David Siever) A review of the research regarding audio-visual entrainment for the treatment of ADD/ADHD.
#4 6/10/2010 The Self-Transforming Brain; Excerpt from Buddha's Brain; The practical neuroscience of happiness, love and wisdom (Rob Kall) What flows through your mind sculpts your brain. Thus, you can use your mind to change your brain for the better--which will benefit your whole being, and every other person whose life you touch. This book aims to show you how. You'll learn what the brain is doing when the mind is happy, loving, and wise.
#5 4/27/2010 Athletes with ADHD & Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (Michael Linden) # An estimated 8-10% (possibly up to 20%) professional athletes have ADHD (compared to four to eight percent of the general population of adults). # Athletes with ADHD perform better in individualized or fast sports. # Many athletes with Asperger's are undiagnosed and excel at technical positions
#6 3/26/2010 AAPB's Annual meeting Opens in San Diego (Rob Kall) report on the first day of the 2010 AAPB meeting.
#7 3/26/2010 The Human Side of Neurofeedback (Colleen Roberts) This article gives an easy to understand description of neurofeedback and how it benefited my niece Suzy Johnson, who suffered from ADHD.1 1 Comment Count
#8 2/10/2010 Electroencephalography and Sport; Review and Future Directions (Vietta Sue Wilson) The purpose of this paper is to briefly review the psychological traits and states that are believed necessary for performance in competitive sport. This information may help guide areas of brain research that could have a large practical impact upon enhancing performance. The paper will then focus on reviewing studies which used electroencephalography (EEG) to assess brain processing in athletes.
#9 12/9/2009 Is Your Child an Indigo or Crystal Child? Are You? (Frances Fox) Children today are different, they are more evolved, they are born wise. They receive information from more than one dimension at a time; consequently, their minds cannot stay in one dimension. Because of their inability to focus, too often they are classified as ADHD. The biggest challenge for parents and teachers is how to educate then, how to satisfy their needs and how to keep them happy.
#10 11/20/2009 A Cost/Benefit Analysis of Different Intervention Models for LD/Special Ed. Students (Kirtley Thornton) Since the decade of the brain was declared in 1990, there have been impressive advances in the area of neurodiagnostic instrumentation measuring the physical functioning of the brain and providing a deeper understanding of the functioning of the brain.
#11 10/29/2009 Review: Open Focus Brain-- a landmark book that explores how we pay attention and how to do it better (Rob Kall) an important, groundbreaking book that promises to become a classic over the decades. More than any other book, it reminds me of Herbert Benson's RELAXATION RESPONSE. Just as Benson took a simple concept-- relaxation-- and created a landmark book on how to do it... simply, Les Fehmi, with co-author Jim Robbins, has laid out an approach to attention that is remarkable in its simplicity and power to change lives.
#12 9/25/2009 NEUROFEEDBACK - WHAT TO DO (OR NOT DO) (Tom Collura) Neurofeedback is a process, not a job. When practitioners and trainees approach EEG training as a process of allowing, not doing, results will be forthcoming.

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