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Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Day 7 of Australia 2013: Hearing Voices and Mind Mapping Day 7 found us working with the Prahran Mission's Hearing Voices Victoria about indigenous and narrative approaches to voices. We demonstrated the use of what I call mind mapping with the various voices we hear inside our minds. This technique works for everyone, voice hearers or not, for we all hear talk inside our heads, the question being where we think it's coming from. In mind mapping we identify the talk and talkers. 1 1 Comment Count
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Mind, body, and unexplained symptoms I describe a woman with a "mystery illness" who has defied the efforts of conventional physicians to diagnose her. She has also been unsuccessful at gaining help from alternative medical practitioners. I show how inflammation is an integrative process which can affect a variety of organs and can be provoked by stress, including the stress of worrying too much. We we can change the underlying process, we can reduce it.
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: NICABM and MInd-Body Medicine I reflect upon the contributions of the National Institute for the Clinical Advancement of Mind-Body Medicine toward furthering the field. At their upcoming conference this December, prominent are newer ideas of neuroplasticity and chronic pain. Through the understanding that pain circuitry in the brain are remodeled by the experience of pain so as to make people feel more pain, we can refute old ideas of pain. 1 1 Comment Count

Lewis Mehl-Madrona: More Indian Than Thou More Indian Than Thou is a current artefact of blood quantum discussion. It disenfranchises many, and seems to contain some of the same political aspects as our oppressors. This article addresses the question of Indian identity. Can a person be an Indian without being enrolled in a tribe. Can a person claim Native American heritage without tribal enrollment and endorsement? What are the politics of "Indianness"? 1 1 Comment Count

Gary Groesbeck: Integral Awakened Mind Coachingâ„¢ Expanding Anna Wise's Awakened Mind protocol into Ken Wilber's Integral Theory(AQUAL)
Jon Frederick: The Role of Mind Body Medicine in the Mind-Body Problem It is commonly claimed that biofeedback increases conscious awareness of physiological processes that are otherwise subconscious. By measuring awareness explicitly, EEG state discrimination paradigms provide a quantitatively rigorous and largely unexplored method of observing the boundaries between consciousness and the brain.

Rob Kall: Crosstraining for Body, Mind & Spirit; Integral Life Practice: Interview With Terry Patten This is a transcript of my Jan 24th, 2010 interview with Terry Patten, co-author, with Ken Wilber and others, of Integral Life Practice; A 21st Century Blueprint for Physical Health, Emotional Balance, Mental Clarity, and Spiritual Awakening. Terry was, on an earlier leg of his journey, founder of Tools for Exploration.

Rob Kall: Good "NEWS" For, Biofeedback Neurofeedback and Mind Body Alternative Health and Wellness received notification yesterday that google news has approved our application to be included in their news "system." That's great news, obviously for futurehealth, but also for you, if you are in the field of biofeedback or neurofeedback. Here are some reasons why.

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