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Helen Gibbons: The 6 Hour Solution to Work stress Helen Gibbons, Chief Psychologist and pioneer of Autogenic Training in Australia,discusses the benefits of Autogenic Training in combating work stress, particularly in the Mining and other high risk industries. Developed by German Neuroscientist Dr Schultz, AT is backed by over 3,000 clinical studies worldwide and is used by NASA astronauts to help them adapt to the physical and psycholocial stressors of space travel. 1 1 Comment Count
Catherine Al-Meten: Waking from the Trance of Unworthiness Article about using meditation as a way to deal with unworthiness and self hatred.
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: The Debate Over Obamacare I offer my views on health care financing. I suggest that we have reached a point as a society in which we are not willing to let people die in hospital waiting rooms who do not have insurance. We even have laws that require hospitals to care for whoever appears regardless of ability to pay even if we do not have any means to remunerate those hospitals. It's time to wake up to the reality that this kind of reality costs.
Dr. Kathleen Albertson, L. Ac., PhD: Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner Discusses National Health Reform: TCM advocates "health" care--not "sick' c Improved patient care depends on holistic measures that resolve health problems and improve patient care. Today, chronic diseases- heart and liver disease, arthritis, stress, fatigue and anxiety are common place ailments. They should not be. With the Health Reform Act, more people will have health care, and that is a good thing. But who is advocating the "health" in "healthcare?" TCM does! 7 reasons to use it for you and your 1 1 Comment Count
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Accountability This essay is about accountability. In the community mental health center where I have been working, most of the patients lack any sense of self-agency or accountability. Most see themselves as helpless victims of diseases over which they have no influence. They expect me to provide them with a drug that will regulate their moods and emotions and make them feel normal again. What does it take to restore a sense of agency? 1 1 Comment Count
Judith Acosta: Clingy Children: Signals for Verbal First Aid Our ability to deal with fear as children is the foundation for the way we deal with fear as adults--both for ourselves and with our kids. Most of us were not raised with these ideas and some of them may feel awkward or even seem unnecessary, especially if we ourselves were dismissed when we were afraid or hurt.
Saberi Roy: The Psychology of Fear On fear as feeling and fear as emotion and the study of fear in anxiety and phobia
Dr. Kathleen Albertson, L. Ac., PhD: Amenorrhea: What does not having a menstrual cycle mean? Amenorrhea means "no menstrual flow" (absence of menstruation). In Chinese medicine, it refers to "no moon." Today it is more important than ever to understand TCM (Traditional Chinese medicine which includes acupuncture and herbal medicine) as well as Western medicine. Today's reality integrates these two schools of thought to improve patient care. TCM gets to the root cause naturally with out the harsh affects of drugs.
Hyla Cass: Nutrients to Unplug and Recharge Your Body and Mind Stress seems inevitable, and takes its toll on our health and well-being. Do you recognize any of these signs? Stress Check • Do you have difficulty relaxing? • Do you feel irritable? • Do you have a dry mouth and sweaty palms? • Do you worry about little events of the day and are unable to shut your mind off? • Do you take on too much? • Do you eat quickly? • Do you have problems sleeping?

Rick Hanson PH.D.: The First and Second Dart To borrow an expression from the Buddha, inescapable physical or mental discomfort is the "first dart" of existence. As long as you live and love, some of those darts will come your way. First darts are unpleasant to be sure. But then we add our reactions to them. These reactions are "second darts"--the ones we throw ourselves. Most of our suffering comes from second darts.
Lynda Thompson: Asperger Syndrome or ADHD The traits of someone with Asperger Syndrome overlap with ADHD in terms of poor attention and impulsive behaviour so these children are often diagnosed as ADHD.
Saberi Roy: The Psychology of Emotions Explaining emotions and distinguishing feeling and bodily reaction.
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Community Revisited Each of us is a neuron in a social brain. We need connectedness to each other to regulate our moods. I propose that the current explosion in the rates of diagnosis of anxiety disorders, depression, and bipolar disorder is relted to our lack of connectedness. We no longer have other people to regulate our moods and emotions. Alternatives to isolation are available and desirable but require us to relinguish some freedom.
Dr. Kathleen Albertson, L. Ac., PhD: The 5 Myths of Acupuncture: Do you Know them? Does acupuncture hurt? Do I need to continue treatment forever? Is ther physiological change in the body? This article dispels some of your questions and puts to rests the myths surrounding this 5000-year-old holistic health science. Yes, acupuncture has been in existence for 5000 years; compared to western medicine that is just over 200 years old. It has stood the test of time.
Kathie Albertson: 3 Reasons why leisure time and leisure mind balance your health! Leisure time and leisure mind a must for balanced health. 3 reasons why!

Michael Linden: Athletes with ADHD & Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) # An estimated 8-10% (possibly up to 20%) professional athletes have ADHD (compared to four to eight percent of the general population of adults). # Athletes with ADHD perform better in individualized or fast sports. # Many athletes with Asperger's are undiagnosed and excel at technical positions
Kathie Albertson: What Drives an Acupuncturist?A good philosophy on Health and People! What drives an acupuncturist? How are patients educated on the effectivenss of health based, holistic care vs disease based care. Trusting Chinese Herbs.
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Nancy White: Alpha-Theta Neurotherapy As a Multi-Level Matrix of Intervention Alpha-Theta Neurotherapy, has been found in clinical practice, as in the original work of Elmer and Alyce Green and further developed by Eugene Peniston and described in his original research, to reduce or eliminate alcoholic craving while simultaneously addressing mental, emotional, physical and, at times, spiritual dimensions of alcoholism and surrounding issues.
Rob Kall: American Character Strengths Threatened By Private Health Insurer Economic Policies The American character has been undergoing a dangerous and effective attack that has, in my opinion, gone virtually un-noticed. The character values of self-reliance, self responsibility and self control are being seriously eroded by private for profit and non-profit health insurer policies.
Judith Acosta: The Gift of Receiving--A Pre-Season Guide To Staying Stress Free Every year at around this time, the advertising starts to remind us that the holidays are closing in. For some, that is a delight. To others, it is a cause for panic.

Judith Acosta: PRIMUN NON NOCERE: First Do No Harm Primun non nocere. This is still the sacred promise of every medical school graduate across the country as he or she accepts the diploma, the title and the rank of healer in our culture. It is the core of the Hippocratic Oath. However, in a world of unreasonable speed, in which new discoveries and new pharmaceuticals are being produced in measures of seconds, not years, it may be more than doctors can promise us anymore.

Hershel Toomim: Anxiety, Anger, Depression, TBI and HEG- This study revealed two candidate pathways from cortical receipt of a stimulus to activity of the amygdala. An excitatory pathway was found through the orbito-frontal cortex. Another emotional regulator pathway was found via the right inferior lateral prefrontal cortex.
Nelle Frances: Neurofeedback - Our Story A story highlighting our family's great success with Neurofeedback - it gave us our son back.
Judith Acosta: Verbal First Aid(tm) for Survival. What Verbal First Aid(tm) proposes is that words can mean the difference between life and death. Based on the simple notion that the words we say (to ourselves and to one another) do matter, that they affect us both physically and mentally, there are ways to speak that make those words healing, no matter what the situation.
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Gerri George: Benefits of Chocolate Chocolate, once the food of royalty, benefits blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol 3 3 Comment Count

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