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#1 7/23/2012 The High Cost of Medically Unexplained Symptoms (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) I write about how the search for the diagnosis for medically unexplained symptoms is an important aspect of what is bankrupting our health care system. We have to solve this problem for manage costs no matter what health care system we have. I acknowledge that some diseases are missed and that some diseases are yet to be found, but suggest that we are much better at findings serious and life threatening illnesses than before.
#2 3/4/2012 Day 13 of the Australian Journey 2012 (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) Today is Day 13 of the Australian Cultural Exchange Journey for 2012. After a quick morning run, we went to Mission Australia's Youth Forum 2012. We met Nancy Ingram, an elder from the area who attended Harvard University and knew about Vermont. I have a talk about the importance of heroism for adolescents and finding ways for them to be heroic or to save face when they feel they have not been heroic.
#3 1/18/2011 What we can learn from Tucson and why not to overreact! (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) The recent tragedy in Tucson has led some commentators to demand more inpatient beds, easier commitment laws, and forced treatment with medication. I argue that none of this would have stopped Mr. Loughner, since he had not come to anyone's attention yet. We need to refrain from overreacting and further stigmatizing the mentally ill, who are, by and large, not violent, and we need to think about ways to reach out more.1 1 Comment Count
#4 8/15/2010 Have You Been Told that Your Pain is All in Your Head? (Dr. Clare Albright) This article discusses how the brain can store the message of pain after an injury has already healed in the body.
#5 6/19/2010 Developmental Neurodiversity Association (Raymond Andrews) One man's experiences as neurodivergent leading him to get involved in the Neurodiversity Movement by starting a nonprofit to help others like himself.
#6 5/13/2010 What health treatment system treats multiple symptoms simultaneously? (Kathie Albertson) Acupuncture and herbal medicine holds secrets to returning you to your optimum vitality. Do you want to feel dramatically physically and emotionally better? Then Acupuncture and herbal medicine is for you. Here's 4 Reasons Why:1 1 Comment Count
#7 4/28/2010 The Pros and Cons of Neurofeedback Training (Dr. Clare Albright) What are the pros and cons of neurofeedback training?
#8 1/7/2010 Adding Biofeedback to your Eating Disorders Practice (Gary Ames) How to incorporate biofeedback as an evidence-based intervention. Neurofeedback study results for eating disorders.
#9 11/20/2009 A Cost/Benefit Analysis of Different Intervention Models for LD/Special Ed. Students (Kirtley Thornton) Since the decade of the brain was declared in 1990, there have been impressive advances in the area of neurodiagnostic instrumentation measuring the physical functioning of the brain and providing a deeper understanding of the functioning of the brain.
#10 10/14/2009 Why I Love Biofeedback (Gary Ames) There are plenty of reasons to love biofeedback and neurofeedback. Here are my favorite reasons.

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