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Pamela Jaye Smith: Creating Our Next Mythologies Futurehealth StoryCon 20 minute presentation by Pamela Jaye Smith. Visionary story-tellers can both reflect and help shape the zeitgeist of an era. This talk presents Seven Thematic Approaches to insightful stories, plus a new look at Character Transformation, all from the Ageless Wisdom of our most powerful and timeless myths. Many mythic systems envision the ideal pattern for the evolution of people, cultures, and the species as a progression from Tribal Consciousness to Individual Consciousness to Group Consciousness. We will explore in depth aspects and manifestations of each level, methods of growth and transformation, and ways to express same in language both verbal and visual.
Pamela Jaye Smith: The Future of Consciousness Futurehealth Plenary Talk by Pamela Jaye Smith THE FUTURE OF CONSCIOUSNESS What Myth and Metaphysics Foresee. What Science Observes. What Media Shapes. What Imagination Creates.

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