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For Tag "Synchrony"
(Top > Health > Mind Body Spirit > Bio Neuro feedback > Neurofeedback: Synchrony)

FutureHealth Products: Foundations of Neurofeedback DVD Course Neurofeedback is both an art and science. There are almost as many ways to go about doing it effectively as there are practitioners. We've assembled a collection of presentations by 22 of the best leaders in the field of neurofeedback, recorded live, so you can get exposure to all their different models and get the basics under your belt.
Sue Othmer: Beyond Good And Bad Brainwaves: A New Understanding Of Rewards And Inhibits Futurehealth WinterBrain Plenary presentation by Sue Othmer A simple model of rewarding good (beta/SMR) brainwaves and inhibiting bad (theta) brainwaves no longer predicts or explains the clinical results we find with new neurofeedback training approaches.
Les Fehmi: Flexibility Training: Synchrony or Not? Fehmi, Les and Susan B. Shor. Futurehealth Plenary
Les Fehmi: The Potential of the Synchronous Brain; Synchrony Training for Individual and Adults Fehmi, Les & Susan Schore. Futurehealth Workshop

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