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For Tag "Aspergers"
(Top > Health > Illness: Aspergers)

Michael Linden: A New Approach to Working with Autistic & Aspergers Patients, Including Violent Ones Futurehealth WinterBrain Plenary presentation by Michael Linden This talk will explain new discoveries in unique subtypes of Autism & Aspergers. I will present a treatment approach in which Neurofeedback is the foundation. We will discuss how individuals with Autism & Aspergers can become depressed, socially isolated & even lethally violent at times.
Michael & Lynda Thompson: Asperger's & ADD; Differences and Similarities - Preliminary Observations Futurehealth WinterBrain Workshop by Michael & Lynda Thompson
Michael & Lynda Thompson: Asperger's Syndrome: What it is and What to do about it Futurehealth WinterBrain Workshop by Michael & Lynda Thompson
Michael & Lynda Thompson: Asperger's, ADHD, or Seizure Disorder? Differential Diagnosis and Intervention Futurehealth WinterBrain Workshop by Michael & Lynda Thompson
Michael Linden: Aspergers: Less severe but more difficult than Autism? Futurehealth WinterBrain Plenary presentation by Michael Linden This talk will describe the EEG & symptomatic difference between Aspergers and Autism. I will discuss how students with Aspergers are more difficult to work with in Neurofeedback then students with Autism based on behavioral, family and QEEG characteristics
Robert Gurnee: Aspergers: QEEG Findings & NeuroFB Treatment implications Futurehealth WinterBrain Plenary presentation by Robert Gurnee

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