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For Tag "Protocol Selection"
(Top > Health > Mind Body Spirit > Bio Neuro feedback: Protocol Selection)

# Date Link
#1 6/20/2008 Assessment & Protocols for NF Intervention (Joel Lubar)
#2 9/26/2008 Dynamic Vs Static Protocols (Siegfried Othmer, Ph.D.)
#3 9/26/2008 Effective Protocol (Peter VanDeusen)
#4 9/26/2008 Intro to Neurofeedback Protocol Design based on QEEG (Robert Gurnee)
#5 9/26/2008 Protocol Creation and Peripheral modality Biofeedback with Biograph (Helena Kerekhazi)
#6 9/26/2008 QEEG for Protocol Development (M. Barry Sterman)
#7 9/26/2008 The Fear Protocol: The theory of FPO2 and the implications of a new clinical data (Sebern Fisher)
#8 6/20/2008 Troubleshooting Alpha-Theta (Bill Scott)

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