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For Tag "Sloreta"
(Top > Science-Nature > Bio-medical Sciences > Neuroscience: Sloreta)

Joel Lubar: Getting to know LORETA low resolution electromagnetic tomography Futurehealth Plenary by Joel Lubar
Joel Lubar: LORETA Futurehealth Plenary by Joel Lubar
Joel Lubar: LORETA Feedback Futurehealth Plenary by Joel Lubar
Leslie Sherlin: sLORETA- What is it and What Does it Mean to Me? Futurehealth Workshop by Leslie Sherlin This 2 hour workshop is intended to teach the basic principles and practices for understanding and interpreting QEEG and sLORETA. The workshop will involve theory, literature review, and integration of knowledge into an actual case study. The workshop is experiential and attendees will be participating in the practical demonstration.

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